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Trivial Pursuit

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  • Trivial Pursuit

    When you were little and watching your mum and dad host another soiree from the sanctity of the top of the stairs, that heady mix of prawn cocktail, Babysham and Trivial Pursuit seemed like the height of sophistication. In years to come, we all realised neither prawn cocktail or Babysham were this, but, well, Trivial Pursuit has won many of us over. Maybe it's something to do with the board game's classy racing-green packaging - the same as the iconic MG sports cars, no less. And the 'Trivial Pursuit' logo emblazoned across the front like it's been written with a quill probably helped. But actually, this is one game that isn't shallow by any means and actually has shown enough to keep generations playing - and learning since it arrived on the scene in 1981. It was one of the first trivia-based games to really flex our grey matter and give dear old uncle Geoff a chance to shine in the sports and leisure round. As well as sports and leisure which was signified by the orange places on the board, there were also questions on geography (blue spaces), nature (green), history (yellow), entertainment (pink) and arts and culture (brown). When you landed on a square, another player would then ask you a question corresponding to the colour space you're on. Get it right and you keep going; get it wrong and the quizzer takes their go. A correct answer bags you what is affectionately known as 'a piece of pie'. Since each player has a plastic holder in which to place a segment of a circle - one for each trivia category - making it look like a pie. One you've filled your pie it's then a race to the centre of the board to answer one final question and be crowned king or queen braniac! As you might imagine, the traditional Trivial Pursuit has deversified over the years, and now young players have their own version of the game, as well as a Silver Screen version and All Star Sports version - and even a Lord Of The rings version. Along with the likes of Scrabble, Monopoly and Snakes and Ladders, Trivial Puruit can be found collecting dust in most households, until it's Christmas and everyone gets a yearning to prove their sportsmanship (or not!).

    Do You Remember the 70s, 80s and 90s?

  • #2
    Re: Trivial Pursuit

    Me & my girlfriend like playing this, though some of the questions in my parents' set are out of date.

    At one time the special edition question cards could be bought on their own, but I've not seen them in the shops for years.
    The Trickster On The Roof


    • #3
      Re: Trivial Pursuit

      We have several editions of tp which were bought from charity shops and they are used regularly.
      "poor is the man who's pleasures depend on the permission of another"


      • #4
        Re: Trivial Pursuit

        I used to play this quite a bit on family holidays..
        (along with less "classy" board games.)
        The original version, though I remember the first time we switched to the yellow version questions (Genus 2?) we got three on the Live Aid Concert at Wembley in one sitting.

        (First band performing at...? First song performed at...? Who was Dancing in the Street with Mick Jagger at...?)
        "It's never too late to have a happy childhood."


        • #5
          Re: Trivial Pursuit

          We had the computer version with the little man who taps his foot while waiting for you to answer questions.

          I'll start the question... What do you call the little things that you win for answering questions? In our house their cheeses.


          • #6
            Re: Trivial Pursuit

            My Aunt has the Mellinium edition, complete with many questions about the dome & popular entertainment of the time, which even in 2004 seemed dated. The last time we played it 2 questions were about Craig David songs.

            I also remember the TV version with Rory McGrath as host, & a low resolution computerised version of the board (even by late 1980s standards).
            The Trickster On The Roof

