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Pot Noodle

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  • Pot Noodle

    I remember when these first hit the shelves in the 70s. They were so radical at the time, almost like space food! My parents bought a load of Pot Noodles to take with us on a caravanning holiday and i can still remember the excitement and anticipation of waiting for them to rehydrate in the boiling water. Chow mein flavour with a sachet of soy sauce was the best! In the 80s, the Pot Noodle brand must have been on a roll, because along came Pot Rice and Pot Pasta.

    Do You Remember the 70s, 80s and 90s?

  • #2
    Re: Pot Noodle

    They also did Pot Spagetti for a time.

    My mum refused to buy any for years as she thought they looked like warmed up sick, so I got the chance to have one at a friends years later.

    I managed to persude my Mum to start buying them when I was at college as I had half days & could make my lunch at home.

    I also used to have when I first started work, as I was working long shifts & needed a bigger lunch.
    The Trickster On The Roof


    • #3
      Re: Pot Noodle

      Who remembers the yukky cheese 'n' tomato flavour? No wonder they got discontinued.
      Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time.


      • #4
        Re: Pot Noodle

        I definetly remember the sauage and bacon one but it was sadly withdrawn. BTW did anybody actually hsve the lamb one?
        WELCOME TO HELL!!!

