I had a distant memory of my love for an album cover with a piano featuring multi-coloured keys in my gran's music colletion. Much hunting has revealed that it belonged to Mrs Mills. Her non-stop honky tonk party no less
No, I've never heard of her either, but this Youtube clip is a bit of a laugh, if only because it perfectly captures the typical working man's club atmosphere of the early '70s. Mrs Mills doing a turn, Bernard Manning as the compere, the gormless audience! And the bloke at the very end looks scarily like Frank Skinner!
No, I've never heard of her either, but this Youtube clip is a bit of a laugh, if only because it perfectly captures the typical working man's club atmosphere of the early '70s. Mrs Mills doing a turn, Bernard Manning as the compere, the gormless audience! And the bloke at the very end looks scarily like Frank Skinner!