I remember in 1991 I was only 17 (underage) all excited and overslapped with make-up and accompanied by a short skirt and heels to make me look 18 to get in to the tokyo joes club in town, were The hit man and her were staring that night.
I got in passed the bouncers and walked up to the stage it was heaving pushed my way passed all the crowd to get a closer look at Pete Waterman and Micheala Strachan (SP) The music was pumping. I danced my heart out. I ended up on stage dancing next to the guy with the big white hair. It was one hell of a night. Little did I know it was to be shown live on tv and my mum thought I was out sleeping over at a mates.
She did find out I couldn't talk my way out of it but it was worth every bit of earache I got.
