The first computer game I played was 1978, a nuclear war sim, run on a DEC VAX 11/750 mainframe. This was four years before the internet was invented, and the days when computing was an arcane art, and Black Magic. We woudl play against other University mainframes, connecting over JANET, the Joint Academic Network. Mostly it was played in real time, on either green screen monitors, or teletypes.
We also played a Microcomputer game based on The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. Mainly that ran on a BBC micro, (BBC micro's were one the the worst dead ends in computing, ever), because we couldnt port it to the sole IBM PC sitting in the corner, which ran QDOS.
See THATS what you call OLD memories.
We also played a Microcomputer game based on The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. Mainly that ran on a BBC micro, (BBC micro's were one the the worst dead ends in computing, ever), because we couldnt port it to the sole IBM PC sitting in the corner, which ran QDOS.
See THATS what you call OLD memories.
