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Model Kits

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  • maxmix
    Re: Model Kits

    Still got "The Mole" Kit in the loft, maybe one day I will actually finish it.....

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  • xmark1234
    Re: Model Kits

    i had air fix models use to sit and paint them for hours after

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  • Powdered toast man
    Re: Model Kits

    Clicclac snap-together kits, then I used to build the Tamiya buggy kits that ran on batteries. I also had the Tamiya Quad tractor but only ever got around to painting the wheel rims(silver) before I accidentally stood on it!! I also built up a collection of the Imai Thunderbirds kits and I tried to make a model of the Hood's Jeep as they never made it as a kit and it was my favourite vehicle(aside from the Mole) in the series.

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  • maxmix
    started a topic Model Kits

    Model Kits

    Just wondering,

    I used to make loads of model kits in the 80's (Yes, Airfix,...... also, Tamiya, Heller, And other "odd" kits that almost every shop (or so it seemed) used to stock, any one else used to build these beauties (I use that term very loosely!!)

    Here's one memory I recall, Maybe 70's, or very early 80's.

    I built a kit (Tamiya Quad gun tractor) and it was desert based, so of course, painted it bright yellow. I couldn't wait for the paint to dry to play with it, so Mum suggested, put it in front of the blower heater (remember those??, how friggin' hot did they get!!) to dry- result, one melted kit!! Oh, how I cried