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Stamp collecting anyone?

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  • #16
    Re: Stamp collecting anyone?

    It does seem to be that stamp dealers are mostly for serious collectors who can afford obscure rare old stamps rather than a collection of recent issues.
    The Trickster On The Roof


    • #17
      Re: Stamp collecting anyone?

      With social occasions so rare at boarding school I took up stamp collecting quite young. I had several aunts and uncles who kindly gave me their rarest foreign stamps after returning from abroad. I kept my stamp album for at least five years before I grew out of it. Several years ago I was going thru some old junk in our loft and what should I find but my old school stamp album. My mother had kept it.


      • #18
        Re: Stamp collecting anyone?

        Originally posted by Donald the Great View Post
        With social occasions so rare at boarding school I took up stamp collecting quite young. I had several aunts and uncles who kindly gave me their rarest foreign stamps after returning from abroad. I kept my stamp album for at least five years before I grew out of it. Several years ago I was going thru some old junk in our loft and what should I find but my old school stamp album. My mother had kept it.
        You should carry on with collection Donny, i could send you some stamps if you like.


        • #19
          Re: Stamp collecting anyone?

          I've been left a fairly sizeable collection of coins and stamps ... including loads of first day covers and first day coins ...

          I've no interest and need to raise some money ...

          Anyone know what the safest : best way to get them sold without being completely ripped off ?
          Thank you


          Sorry to high jack the thread !!!

          Any left over and I'll gladly post them to you for free !

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


          • #20
            Re: Stamp collecting anyone?

            Originally posted by Zincubus View Post
            I've been left a fairly sizeable collection of coins and stamps ... including loads of first day covers and first day coins ...

            I've no interest and need to raise some money ...

            Anyone know what the safest : best way to get them sold without being completely ripped off ?
            Thank you


            Sorry to high jack the thread !!!

            Any left over and I'll gladly post them to you for free !

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

            Local libraries used to keep copies of Stanley Gibbons catalogues with stamp values. I don't know if they still do or if it has moved online now. There is also Ebay where you could get an idea of what particular stamps and coins are selling for.


            • #21
              Re: Stamp collecting anyone?

              Originally posted by staffslad View Post
              Local libraries used to keep copies of Stanley Gibbons catalogues with stamp values. I don't know if they still do or if it has moved online now. There is also Ebay where you could get an idea of what particular stamps and coins are selling for.
              Thank you !
              I really wouldn't know where to start tbh ..

              I really just need pointing in the right direction as to WHO or WHAT type of business I can BEST trust with the valuing and purchase of the whole caboodle.

              A small time bloke or a bigger business or something ?

              I have no idea who even buys or sells coins and stamps in the first place ..

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


              • #22
                Re: Stamp collecting anyone?

                I understand your quandry. A few more suggestions...

                Type in something like 'how to get your stamp collection valued' into Google. Quite a few links come up with advice on valuations and how to get them.

                There may well be philatelic and coin clubs local to yourself. They may be able to offer advice.

                Local auctioneers may be willing to give valuations. They usually work on a commission basis so I would imagine would not want to undervalue a collection.

                From time to time local 'antiques roadshow' type events are held throughout the country offering the chance to get things valued.

                Hope that helps


                • #23
                  Re: Stamp collecting anyone?

                  Originally posted by staffslad View Post
                  I understand your quandry. A few more suggestions...

                  Type in something like 'how to get your stamp collection valued' into Google. Quite a few links come up with advice on valuations and how to get them.

                  There may well be philatelic and coin clubs local to yourself. They may be able to offer advice.

                  Local auctioneers may be willing to give valuations. They usually work on a commission basis so I would imagine would not want to undervalue a collection.

                  From time to time local 'antiques roadshow' type events are held throughout the country offering the chance to get things valued.

                  Hope that helps
                  Thank you

                  I like the local auctioneers suggestion but I'll try everything you mentioned

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

