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Books you could never finish..

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  • #16
    Re: Books you could never finish..

    The Merits of the Da vinci Code we can debate elsewhere but the other Dan Brown books I found a very good read especially if you like a good conspiracy theory
    The eyes have it!


    • #17
      Re: Books you could never finish..

      Originally posted by ceg56 View Post
      . Is Shop-a-holic a recent book? Had a feeling I had read that, a while back, just checked, but cannot see it amongst all my other books (and there are loads lol).
      Shop-a-holic and baby is the latest in a series of about 4 or 5 I think, have read the others too.
      "Raggy dolls, Raggy Dolls, dolls like you and me" "Raggy Dolls, Raggy Dolls, made imperfectly"


      • #18
        Re: Books you could never finish..

        any steven kings ones, got quarter way through then get to scared and get nightmares


        • #19
          Re: Books you could never finish..

          Shardik from Richard 'Watership Down' Adams. It had a great pencil drawing of a giant bear on the cover and I bought it (and a box set of three Asimov sci-fi paperbacks) with some Christmas money in '74 (I was 10) but just seemed far too dense for me.

          I never finished the Asimov books, either but they had great Chris Foss artwork


          • #20
            Re: Books you could never finish..

            The Bible aswell,Always started it with good intentions when i was a kid but never got more than half way through it.It ended up being the book i used sit my alarm clock


            • #21
              Re: Books you could never finish..

              Halfway through it!!!

              That was pretty good for a kid though!!

              Book I bought ages ago and was really interested in reading but could never read more than a few chapters of was " Savage Girls and Wild Boys" by Michael Newton.

              Book about children bought up by animals or survived in the wild


              • #22
                Re: Books you could never finish..

                Lord of the rings defeated me. I was determined to get through my three book set, but gave up half way through the last book.
                I love Marian Keyes but couldn't get into her last book. Got it for Christmas last year and I only got a few chapters in.
                1976 Vintage


                • #23
                  Re: Books you could never finish..

                  I've managed to read all of LOTR without much trouble, though I did cheat slightly by seeing the first 2 films before starting on the books.

                  Almost the same with The Devil Wears Prada, though there's a lot in the book that's not included in he film.

                  The book I've most recently had trouble with was Robinson Crusoe, the story is easy to follow but the copy I have has the text printed very small & close together, so it's an effort to read much of it at a time.
                  The Trickster On The Roof


                  • #24
                    Re: Books you could never finish..

                    The Devil Wears Prada book is much better than the film, although I still liked the film. I also saw it before I read the book.
                    1976 Vintage


                    • #25
                      Re: Books you could never finish..

                      The Never Ending Story by Michael Ende.... it just didn't seem right to finish it.


                      • #26
                        Re: Books you could never finish..

                        I am also one of the LOTR book readers that never actually finished reading it....also with 'The Hobbit', don't think I ever finished that


                        • #27
                          Re: Books you could never finish..

                          Originally posted by Grosh62 View Post
                          The Never Ending Story by Michael Ende.... it just didn't seem right to finish it.
                          i can see what you mean mate.
                          never knew there was a book of it.

                          great film/book though.
                          FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                          • #28
                            Re: Books you could never finish..

                            a book i could never finish was the third part of the lord of the rings.

                            back then the third part return of the king was a far thicker soft back book than it is now.
                            Perhaps a lot of it is not included like it was back then.
                            FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                            • #29
                              Re: Books you could never finish..

                              Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. And often it's not unusual for me to read an entire book, cover to cover, in one afternoon or evening.


                              • #30
                                Re: Books you could never finish..

                                Lots of posts on the LOTR series. I tried The Hobbit once. It was on cassette from the library. I listened for 5 minutes and turned it off. Same with one of the Terry Pratchett books...Witch's Brew or something like that.

                                Some of the Stephen King's are okay but the huge ones I don't even bother with anymore.

