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  • scalextric

    Never had a Scalextic, but Son has one now, that only seems to come out a few times a year.
    Who had, or still has one?

    Found a online version, where you can build the track, and then race.

  • #2
    Re: scalextric

    Having three brothers, we always seemed to have a Scalextic set up around Christmas, funny really all you had to do was keep your finger on the triger, but we all seemed to love it, yet the cars seemed to be forever falling off the tracks, at the sharp bends.
    Still hope my son will want one whens he's a bit older.


    • #3
      Re: scalextric

      Originally posted by huggie74 View Post
      Still hope my son will want one whens he's a bit older.
      Buy one anyway, that's what I did! (plus a big stack of lego!)
      Last edited by stevef; 12-08-2007, 09:52.
      "Ah, nostalgia ain't what it used to be..."


      • #4
        Re: scalextric

        Think I will, he's not "into" cars at the moment though, he's "Super Hero" Mad


        • #5
          Re: scalextric

          The car "phase" will come, you wait and see, but in the meantime you can enjoy playing it while he's in bed.
          "Ah, nostalgia ain't what it used to be..."


          • #6
            Re: scalextric

            Originally posted by huggie74 View Post
            all you had to do was keep your finger on the trigger, yet the cars seemed to be forever falling off the tracks, at the sharp bends.
            That's because you kept your finger on the trigger

            I had TCR myself. Smaller cars but they could change lanes!


            • #7
              Re: scalextric

              My Scalextric set was a hand-me-down from my dad's mate. It was pretty old as it had real basic plastic cars in. There was also a Ford GT which he'd made into a scalextric car from a model kit, it was ace. Our set had a shortcircuit pop up button on it so we used to tape it down as it always popped up. We had those green platic triangles to raise the corners which just meant the car went further as it shot off at a bend.
              A mate later gave me loads of track so I could have it stretched round the whole lounge, we used to put washing up liquid on it to do burnouts.
              Another mate had the stock car set which I thought was awesome with it's little jumps and superb cars.

              I always thought the TCR sets looked better but they involved no skill.


              • #8
                Re: scalextric

                I finally got rid of my scalextric just over 10 years ago, trading it in for my brother-in-laws fridge freezer. Bought some of the new cars before getting rid of it, very good they were too, working lights etc.. We used to spray WD40 on the engines, use to make them go really fast!! Also used to spray WD40 on the skid chicane, made it almost impassible.


                • #9
                  Re: scalextric

                  Originally posted by huggie74 View Post
                  Having three brothers, we always seemed to have a Scalextic set up around Christmas, funny really all you had to do was keep your finger on the triger, but we all seemed to love it, yet the cars seemed to be forever falling off the tracks, at the sharp bends.
                  Still hope my son will want one whens he's a bit older.
                  did u get your lad one yet.
                  perhaps your brothers could give him theirs H.

                  have you or/and your brothers kept there scalextric set H.

                  i had one yrs ago me and the older bother.

                  must be going 25 yrs now.

                  its one of the toys i wish id kept.


                  • #10
                    Re: scalextric

                    I had a Scalextric when I was a kid. In fact, I think it's still in the loft now. It was a figure of 8 with a banked curve and a bride. I think the cars were a Black Benson and Hedges Lotus (cig adverts on a kids toy, those were the days) and a red Ferrari. It had a special start finish bit of track that allowed it to smoke if you put the oil in. I never did personally. Eventually it was set up in my room, and then it got set up in the attic. It was way too cold to play on it up there though. There's something nice about the smell of a scalextric when you are suing it. Smells, electricy? It hs a very defining smell that can only be described as smelling like a scalextric.

                    I think this is the one I had as a kid, but I'd have to go check to make sure I was 100% right.


                    • #11
                      Re: scalextric

                      I bought my hubby one of the new digital scalextrics 2 years ago. We've since had to have a conservatory built just to house the thing as he keeps extending it and buying more bits of track. He never showed any interest before I bought it but he's definitely going through the 'car phase'. Oh, and the new digital scalextric cars come off the track on the bends just as often as the old ones did!


                      • #12
                        Re: scalextric

                        Originally posted by Pinney68 View Post
                        I bought my hubby one of the new digital scalextrics 2 years ago. We've since had to have a conservatory built just to house the thing as he keeps extending it and buying more bits of track. He never showed any interest before I bought it but he's definitely going through the 'car phase'. Oh, and the new digital scalextric cars come off the track on the bends just as often as the old ones did!
                        bet u wish u had not bought it then.
                        He sounds luke he is eliving his childhood again.

                        you will be tortured.

                        I never knew they still did scalexrtric.

                        ii thought it died out long ago.
                        FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                        • #13
                          Re: scalextric

                          I'm glad I bought it for him, it keeps him from under my feet. Sometimes, I'm like his mother, especially when his friends come over and they're all playing with it and some even bring their own 'lucky' cars with them. These aren't young men, they're all men in their 50's who say that they didn't have one when they were younger.
                          All of them now have their own kits and they all get together one night a week for races and championships.
                          There's nothing like re-living your childhood.


                          • #14
                            Re: scalextric

                            When I was a kid, I had the Matchbox Powertrack set, with smaller track and cars (a Leyland-liveried Jaguar XJ12 Coupe and a Warsteiner-liveried BMW 3-series). As a student in Colchester in the early '90s, I bought myself a Scalextric set I still have, which was a basic Ford Fiesta XR2 figure-of-eight racing set, but I bought some extra track to extend it. I bought a few new cars for it over the next couple of years - mainly Mk3 Escort XR3is and Sierra RS500s, and I always levered the magnets off the bases to add an element of skill in cornering. Great fun, but I've not used it for ages now.
                            "We're the Sweeney son, and we haven't had any dinner!"


                            • #15
                              Re: scalextric

                              I have an original Le Mans 24 HR set, working lights on the cars. It is a massive set. Its just in the attic could create about 3 or 4 layouts, it had a bridge in it too. One was a Porsche Rothmans and the other was a Jaguar with well, Jaguar markings. Should play with it again...but as an only Son I never really had anyone to race against... I may buy a micro set someday soon, or a newer smaller set as the original one has tarnished track which I guess can be cleaned up...

