Weekly comic - spin off from the Beano - Plug and anything like Whizzer & chips
Favourite crisps - Fangs, bats and bones.
Favourite TV show - Swap shop and Tiswas
Fav sweets - Pacers, spangles, banjo (Banjo, Banjo, Banjo is brand new. with a light and crispy wafer and a roast nut flavour too)
Fav drink - Quattro (and I seem to remember my nan making up a powdered orange juice maybe by Birds which in later years I was reminded of when tasting Sunny delight)
Fav toy - of course the big 5 - plasacine, lego, scalectrix, horny and meccano AND my skateboard
Fav film - ET and Grease (due to my sisters influence)
Fav gadget - my binatone walkman (couldn't afford sony)
Fav pastime - playing in the street with my mates, going off for hours without my parents worrying where I was.
Other memories from my childhood.
The invention of Video libraries, and owners who didn't care that they were renting out driller killer and the texas chainsaw massacre to 5 ten year old boys!
Favourite crisps - Fangs, bats and bones.
Favourite TV show - Swap shop and Tiswas
Fav sweets - Pacers, spangles, banjo (Banjo, Banjo, Banjo is brand new. with a light and crispy wafer and a roast nut flavour too)
Fav drink - Quattro (and I seem to remember my nan making up a powdered orange juice maybe by Birds which in later years I was reminded of when tasting Sunny delight)
Fav toy - of course the big 5 - plasacine, lego, scalectrix, horny and meccano AND my skateboard
Fav film - ET and Grease (due to my sisters influence)
Fav gadget - my binatone walkman (couldn't afford sony)
Fav pastime - playing in the street with my mates, going off for hours without my parents worrying where I was.
Other memories from my childhood.
The invention of Video libraries, and owners who didn't care that they were renting out driller killer and the texas chainsaw massacre to 5 ten year old boys!
