I had a novelty 'toy' which I bought for fun as a gift to bring home after I stayed with my sister for a day or two in Edinburgh in the Eighties. I was just looking in this shop and saw this weird looking 'toy' called 'Rude Ralph' which was a plastic head with ginger hair, ugly wart on his nose and was made to look as if he was drunk. He had a rather large eyeball which was attached to a string, when you pulled on his eye he would make burpping and coughing sounds - hence the name!! Don't know who made them, but my wife was not amused when I showed her the gift I'd brought her back (I bought her a proper gift too). We still have 'Ralph' but his eye just dangles out now so he can't make his rude sounds anymore, which is good, ...cos my daughter who was only small at the time used to think he was so ugly. Did anyone else have one of these around the early 80's???
Just found link http://www.inthe80s.com/toys/ruderalph0.shtml

Just found link http://www.inthe80s.com/toys/ruderalph0.shtml