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I Can’t bloody stand him/her

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  • darren
    Have to agree jonny depp for an obvious reason.

    Also paddy mcguinness david cameron ian duncan smith

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  • spuggybridge
    Originally posted by vindo View Post
    Alan Partridge not funny at all
    Got to agree never could get on with it, bloody el didnt realise i'd already replied to this comment...oh well

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  • spuggybridge
    Originally posted by vindo View Post
    Alan Partridge not funny at all
    Go to agree, I've never understood the fascination with it

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  • George 1978
    Originally posted by amethyst View Post
    Richard Branson greed
    He's probably not as bad as Alan Sugar.

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  • amethyst
    Richard Branson greed

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  • George 1978
    Originally posted by 70s kid View Post
    As to your first point, although I detest ALL soaps it's a fact that 98% of actors in 'the biz' are unemployed at one time.
    Anything for a job that provides security throughout their working lives and provides a fat pension at the end of it!

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  • 70s kid
    Originally posted by George 1978 View Post
    Re: I Cant bloody stand him/her

    Back in the 1980s, to most people it was obvious ones such as Jeremy Beadle, Rod Hull or Noel Edmonds, but I think that it was a bit like the following:

    1) Most actors who have appeared in soap operas - I mean, I know it is like life insurance to an actor, but why don't they use their talents in other ways?

    2) Any female celebrity who has done "modelling" or has appeared on Reality TV - far too many to mention, really.

    3) Regional newsreaders who tell us that someone has been murdered not a million miles away from where I live - I cannot thank Sky Digital enough that I can watch regional news programmes such as South Today which are nowhere near the East Midlands.

    4) Children's TV presenters who seemed to be candidates for being sectioned under the Mental Health Act 1983 - when was the last time that a children's TV presenter wore a suit and tie?

    There are others...

    As to your first point, although I detest ALL soaps it's a fact that 98% of actors in 'the biz' are unemployed at one time.

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  • George 1978
    I have always wondered whether or not Dylan Keyhoe from Casualty was based on Alan Partridge - they both have very similar mechanisms.

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  • onthebusesfan
    Originally posted by George 1978 View Post
    Re: I Cant bloody stand him/her

    Most celebrities have eccentric traits which have helped them to become unique as well as famous - most of them would never resemble someone who generally walks down the street every day.

    And most of them would be candidates for this list as well.
    see i quite like jim davidson i think hes great , my late grandad also liked him.

    theres two celebritys that stick out for me its.

    jessica hynes & holly willoughbooby totally stuck up themselves . on both occasions regarding holly.

    i was in the audience for celeb juice and i said excuse holly can i have a photo with ya , totally ignored me and went to a posh couple who always wanted a pic, and she said to them of course.

    but when me and my dad what about my son george (me) she just turned her nose up and walked straight off.

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  • vindo
    Alan Partridge not funny at all

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  • George 1978
    In general, soap operas are programmes that I could not stand, but when it came to Coronation Street I never liked the 1990s phase of Rovers Return barmaids dressing like prostitutes (Liz McDonald, Raquel, Tina Fowler, Sam Failsworth, etc).

    Reg Holdsworth is like a poor man's Christopher Biggins.

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  • beccabear67
    Originally posted by darren View Post
    She prob had good intentions tho.
    A.k.a. the road to h*ll.

    There've been so many characters on Coronation Street over the years I could not stand it's a wonder I will even still watch it sometimes. Right now there's a character named Mary who has these long-winded daft stories about her past, that are supposed to be amusing, but usually aren't. It comes across so clumsy and unbelievable really!

    I used to call the supermarket manager Reg Holdswhatever (boss of Curly Watts) a turtle man with no shell. I literally cringed when he would come on.

    I try not to hold it against the actors but it probably is at least partly their fault!

    I found Hyacinth Bucket on Keeping Up Appearances sometimes more annoying than worth it, but there were some fantastically funny episodes too I have to admit!

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  • darren
    i suppose one would be mary whitehouse.

    She wanted to have things banned.
    I even remember her complaining about a dr who story think it was deadly assassin.
    Sheprob had good intentions tho.

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  • George 1978
    Re: I Can’t bloody stand him/her

    Most celebrities have eccentric traits which have helped them to become unique as well as famous - most of them would never resemble someone who generally walks down the street every day.

    And most of them would be candidates for this list as well.

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  • George 1978
    Re: I Can’t bloody stand him/her

    Originally posted by Richard1978 View Post
    My Dad could never stomach Jim Davidson.
    Davidson was a poor replacement for Brucie the Generation Game - I just about stomach him on Big Break, but I hated the way that he behaved towards the female contestants on the show.

    I was surprised that he wasn't banned from TV altogether after doing his Chalky act in the late 1970s and early 1980s - you should see a YT clip of him on Des O'Connor Tonight which made jokes that would not be compatible in a modern world.

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