Ok so im a little young to actually remembre this properly,
but on a home video my parents filmed this advert.
Everytime i watch it i burst out into hysterics.
Can anbody find me a link please ? ive looked around but i dont really know what to search.
There was a mother and a baby.
The mother left the room and the babys dummy popped out, it then started to sort of breakdance, ending in the splits.
I think it was to advertise ice cream of some sort.
If you have any ideas or links please let me know.
ps. Im new to this forum so apoligies if ive made some huge mistake.
but on a home video my parents filmed this advert.
Everytime i watch it i burst out into hysterics.
Can anbody find me a link please ? ive looked around but i dont really know what to search.
There was a mother and a baby.
The mother left the room and the babys dummy popped out, it then started to sort of breakdance, ending in the splits.
I think it was to advertise ice cream of some sort.
If you have any ideas or links please let me know.
ps. Im new to this forum so apoligies if ive made some huge mistake.