Re: films that are sentimental to you.
I badgered my parents for weeks to take me to see Grease at the cinema and eventually my Dad caved - that is still probably my best ever cinema memory. In those days the local cinema only had one screen and would show a new film until people got tired of it - Grease ran for months! We didn't have Netflix, dvds or even videos then and only 3 TV channels so seeing a new film at the cinema was a treat. Afterwards I badgered my parents until Christmas for the Grease LP...I still have it
I badgered my parents for weeks to take me to see Grease at the cinema and eventually my Dad caved - that is still probably my best ever cinema memory. In those days the local cinema only had one screen and would show a new film until people got tired of it - Grease ran for months! We didn't have Netflix, dvds or even videos then and only 3 TV channels so seeing a new film at the cinema was a treat. Afterwards I badgered my parents until Christmas for the Grease LP...I still have it
