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Help identifying 80s period drama series

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  • Help identifying 80s period drama series

    Hello, I'm hoping someone will be able to help me with this. It's been annoying me for weeks now!

    I think this programme would have been on in the late 80s, it was definitely a series (mini series I think). It wasn't a children's programme - I got into it because my mum watched it - but it wouldn't have been on late. Possibly Sunday evening tv. It was a period drama, I'm not sure which period exactly but thinking back it reminded me a bit of a Catherine Cookson drama in that it looks like it was set in victorian - edwardian period. (It def wasn't catherine cookson though.) For some reason I keep thinking it might have been set in Wales but then again I don't remember the characters having any regional accents.

    The story was basically about a working class woman who had quite a lot of children (seven i think) and they all had different fathers (or mainly different fathers) and I don't think she'd ever been married. There was probably some explanation as to how this had come about but think I was probably too young to understand. She knew who all the fathers were - some of them acknowledged the children, some didn't. One of the father's in particular she still had a friendly relationship with and I remember really clearly that at one point he took her a bucket of pig's blood so she could make black pudding (this stuck in my mind as I never knew black pudding was made from blood!). For some reason they ended up having an argument and she threw the bucket of blood over him.

    I don't remember any other details clearly but I think that one of the daughters who was probably early teens was interested in acting and she got really excited when she got the part of Puck in a local production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. The children varied in age from teenage to 'pre-school' age. I have no idea which channel it was actually on but I for some reason I always keep thinking of it as an ITV show - think I might have added this detail years later though!

    That's all I've got I'm afraid. For some reason I suddenly remembered this programme and would quite like to watch it again. It'll probably be nothing like I remember it but hopefully it'll still be good

  • #2
    Re: Help identifying 80s period drama series

    Am still trying to rack my brains about this one, sounds intriguing! If you recall any other details even vague one's, put it out there!


    • #3
      Re: Help identifying 80s period drama series

      This ones driving me crazy too. It sounds really familiar.


      • #4
        Re: Help identifying 80s period drama series

        I did a search.
        this might be it miss A.

        ran for two series on ITV, shown between 1982 and 1984 but was brought back for a third series in 1990 on Channel 4 set in 1939. This third series saw the Hardacres move to London and later to a country mansion called Yonderley but making frequent trips to Utterley or Swarfside, where the Hardacre business empire was still based. The Fairchilds had also moved to London as Agnes was now MP for Utterley.
        Some scenes are set at Croydon Airport, but were filmed at Barton Airport, whose distinctive control tower shows in the film.

        the two families where the poor working class fairchilds and the wealthy hardacres.

        the fairchilds had two sons jack, a miner and matthew a sensitive clerk.
        the hardacres had 5 children bentley deceased charlotte,austin,isobel and morris.

        the show starred timothy west.

        the show is available on dvd.
        Last edited by darren; 24-08-2012, 14:07.


        • #5
          Re: Help identifying 80s period drama series

          Thanks guys, no more details I'm afraid, I will try to rack my brains for something else though. Darren, it wasn't Brass but thanks for suggestion. This show wasn't a comedy and I think it was only a miniseries or if not it only ran for for one season. One thing I forgot to mention was that I think the setting was in a village/fairly rural setting rather than a large city.


          • #6
            Re: Help identifying 80s period drama series

            I tried hehe.

            if you could remember an actor or actress who was in it it would be easy to find the show you mean.
            you could just do a search on what they have been in.

            Originally posted by Miss A View Post
            Thanks guys, no more details I'm afraid, I will try to rack my brains for something else though. Darren, it wasn't Brass but thanks for suggestion. This show wasn't a comedy and I think it was only a miniseries or if not it only ran for for one season. One thing I forgot to mention was that I think the setting was in a village/fairly rural setting rather than a large city.


            • #7
              Re: Help identifying 80s period drama series

              I think I might have it - We Are Seven.


              • #8
                Re: Help identifying 80s period drama series

                Thats the one I was thinking of Will, Well done! I can rest my mind at last.


                • #9
                  Re: Help identifying 80s period drama series

                  Yes that's it!! Thanks willpurry and everyone else! That has really been bugging me - thanks so much for resolving and giving me back my piece of mind haha!!

