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Star Trek

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  • #16
    Re: Star Trek

    I really liked Q. Here is a 'then and now' of John De Lancie.


    • #17
      Re: Star Trek

      Originally posted by battyrat View Post
      I think the early series for me are pure nostalgia.Just the intro alone sends an excited shiver down my back.I do like voyager and the next generation but like some people here never really took to deep space nine or Enterprise.Perhaps by the time these were made the original idea had started to wear a bit thin or we had by then too much of a good thing.My only grumble Is Q.I hate that character so much.
      if i remmber in seep space nine they spent more time chatting and drinking than actually exploring.

      at least in voyaher they did did what star trek is about.

      i love the wrath of khan superb S T film.


      • #18
        Re: Star Trek

        if i remember right he was not well liked by the crew.
        he could just appear and disappear when he wanted.
        i did think he was funny though.

        Originally posted by Marine Boy View Post
        I really liked Q. Here is a 'then and now' of John De Lanci



        • #19
          Re: Star Trek

          Originally posted by flipper33 View Post
          i prefer the old series for the simply reason they didn`t have the special effects and cgi effects like they have now, so back then they had to cast people who could act, write scripts that would draw in an audience, and create effects using their imagination and find a way to make them work
          Gotta love some of the production values in the original series! In one of the episodes there's a scene where they're on a space station and the Enterprise can be seen through the window orbiting the station. They used a commercially available model kit of the Enterprise that could be found in any toy shop at the time!


          • #20
            Re: Star Trek

            I really liked the films with the original crew - true, The Motion Picture tried to be a 2001 A Space Odyssey but from The Wrath of Khan the films were brilliant. I even like the fifth one. The best NG one was First Contact...I've seen the latest one, and very good it was too.

            As for the shows, I dip in and out of all the series but for me seeing Kirk always end up with a ripped top made me laugh...and the fact women love him...

            The films made the characters all the more richer - the banter in them between Spock/McCoy/Kirk was always good - and its ironic that Spock plants his Katra in McCoy, I also found it poignant when Kirk realises he has an adult son, when Spock dies we see the true friendship they had and when he sacrifices everything - his command, his ship and even loosing his son to bring Spock back...good stuff. The Voyage Home is very funny - especially seeing them in the 20th century and Spock pretty weird, Kirk musing 'he did too much LDS in the 60s at Berkley'...

            Enterprise could have been so good - the ship and technology looked far too advanced to be the prototypes to the original series, and they should have had the Eugenics Wars, Khan and most importantly the Romulans and Klingons in it far sooner - no wonder it eventually tanked as it did. Scott Bakula wasn't iconic enough to be ships captain oddly enough...

            However, I did find out that it was because the Klingons during the Enterprise series era using the modified DNA of the augments like Khan led to millions of them ending up looking like humans without the crested foreheads and fanged teeth, they say that over time and gene therapy they eventually bred it out hence why in the Motion Picture we suddenly see Klingons with cowpats on their foreheads...

            Its all a load of b-----ks but enjoyable - I'm not a fanatic but for me I really like watching the films from time to time as the characters had matured by that point.

            I also hated Q's - annoying gits.


            • #21
              Re: Star Trek

              I liked the original series quite a bit, occasionally a bit hammy but often gripping.

              I've seem most of the numbered films, mostly good. I used to have a talking book of ST-III with a narrator somehow more OTT than William Shatner.

              I didn't get that much into the Next Generation but the ones I saw seemed good.

              By the late 1990s I was too busy with college work & then full time work to get to see the later series.
              The Trickster On The Roof


              • #22
                Re: Star Trek

                The original 1st series has been digitally remastered and is being shown on CBS Action tonight at 6pm (Sky channel 148) starting from the pilot episode.


                • #23
                  Re: Star Trek

                  Excellent, I love the pilot episode. Good ol' Captain Pike...


                  • #24
                    Re: Star Trek

                    in a recent interview with william shatner a lot of the fellow actors walter koenig etc thought he3 was veryu cocky.
                    but he said that was never the case.

                    wrath of khan is my fave star trek film.
                    some great moments like where checkoff has these creatues put in his ears.
                    FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL

