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Any Ideas? Thriller Series

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  • Any Ideas? Thriller Series

    I remember watching an old black & white episode of a thriller series many years ago.....

    All I can remember of it is a specticaled chap who was left all alone in the world after a nuclear bomb? No other humans survived & he was left alone in the world, all that survived with him was his precious books to read but right at the very end he broke his glasses so he couldnt even read.

    I think it was called Bookworm but I cant rememebr what series it came from, i would so much like to find out & maybe possibly see it again once I have the information?
    sigpic I WANT ONE NOW!!!!!

  • #2
    Re: Any Ideas? Thriller Series

    It was the episode "Time enough to last" from The Twilight Zone Tv series


    • #3
      Re: Any Ideas? Thriller Series

      Thanks Daz.

      Very fast reply.
      sigpic I WANT ONE NOW!!!!!


      • #4
        Re: Any Ideas? Thriller Series

        wow not only found the series but the episode, way to go D.


        • #5
          Re: Any Ideas? Thriller Series

          It's now on my hard drive, watched it last night.

          Henry Bemis - Burgess Meredith
          sigpic I WANT ONE NOW!!!!!


          • #6
            Re: Any Ideas? Thriller Series

            the original black & white twilight zone's are my fave Tv series ever,even today some of the episodes still immpress me, its amazing the number of famous actors that starred in it, most of them unknowns at the time. William Shatner(twice),Charles Bronson,Robert Redford,Peter Falk,James Cogan,Lee Marvin etc, the list is endless

            Burgess Meredith also appears in the episodes "mr dingle,the strong","the obsolete man" and "printers devil"

            i used to have a lot of the collection on video, but i feel the need to buy all 3 Dvd box sets

            also Rod Serling, the creator and actor you always see mid-show wrote the original screenplay for the film "planet of the apes"

