Do you remember Prisoner Cell Block H?
It was an Austrailian serial drama made in 1979 set in a womens prison. It was first shown here in the mid 80's on ITV & then it was shown by Channel 5 I think it was? Then it dissapeared from our screens never to be seen again :cry:
I used to look forward to Friday,Saturday and Sunday late nights on ITV when that was on.
Right that will do for now off for some grog.
It was an Austrailian serial drama made in 1979 set in a womens prison. It was first shown here in the mid 80's on ITV & then it was shown by Channel 5 I think it was? Then it dissapeared from our screens never to be seen again :cry:
I used to look forward to Friday,Saturday and Sunday late nights on ITV when that was on.
Right that will do for now off for some grog.
