Chrissie Latham - if only Band of Gold was around in the late 1970s and early 1980s and was made in Australia. Tight denim dress which she substituted for an unflattering maternity dress at the end of the series' first year until baby Elizabeth was born, and as soon as she was born, it was back to how she dressed before. It makes me smile how women are immediately "back to normal", clothes-wise to their pre-pregnancy situation hours after their baby had been born. Lexie was like that as well.
And then we got nurse Neil Murray, Wentworth's answer to Peter "Yorkshire Ripper" Sutcliffe who had plans for her that wasn't very nice indeed.
And Roslyn Coulson reminded me of one of those porcelain dolls.
And then we got nurse Neil Murray, Wentworth's answer to Peter "Yorkshire Ripper" Sutcliffe who had plans for her that wasn't very nice indeed.
And Roslyn Coulson reminded me of one of those porcelain dolls.