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Strange memory

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  • Strange memory

    Ok not sure if this is one memory or two merged together. I think it was on something like Jim`ll Fix It and this kid wanted to know what happened when you combed your hair. Now for the strange bit the next thing I remember was this weird image on the tv that the only way I can describe it ls like if you got loads of spaghetti hoops and put them on a pencil and zoomed in on them so you only saw the spaghetti and each hoop was rotating ar different speeds and directions. Like I said this could be two different memories but it`s the most vivid one I have, or it could just be my imagination as a kid. Mentioned this to loads of people and they don`t remember it or think I`m mad.

  • #2
    Re: Strange memory

    Hi Yelever,

    Sorry, I don't remember this particular show, but it sounds to me like an episode of How / How2 (according to how old you are !!) The programme ran from the 70's into the 90's and Fred Dineage was there from beginning to end.

    It was a childrens science programme showing how all manner of things worked and I can imagine them showing you an image of the hair through a microscope. To a child, it would look similar to how you describe, especially if they were rotating it for inspection.
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    • #3
      Re: Strange memory

      It also sounds a bit like something from Think Again by Johnny Ball, but I also cant find an exact episode,but I do remember Johnny doing all kinds of weird and wonderful experiments.


      • #4
        Re: Strange memory

        Just wanted piece of mind to know I wasn`t mad lol. It`s the weirdest memory I have of tv and has stuck with me all these years.

