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Talking or magic vegetables.. and aliens?

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  • Talking or magic vegetables.. and aliens?

    I'm NOT going mad.. am I..?

    I remember a show, that my friends think I made up..
    I am 32 years old and the memory is vauge, so I suspect it may have been late 70's, early 80's.. ?
    I remember the following 'facts'

    1. talking or macigal vegetables (zucchinis spring to mind)
    2. Aliens (possibly related or interested in the vegetables)
    3. wolves as characters
    4. it was live action, not animated
    5. a big tree, possibly where some characters lived
    6. All animal charaters (people in suits and puppets) no human characters.
    7. I wanna say american accents but a British show...?
    8. I remember the finale had the aliens taking the vegetables away.... up a ladder?

    I'm not THAT crazy am I??? ;-p

    HELP.. and thanks!

  • #2
    Re: Talking or magic vegetables.. and aliens?

    Lay off the Psychedelics


    • #3
      Re: Talking or magic vegetables.. and aliens?

      I WISH!! ;-p

      One day it's gonna hit me what it was and I'm gonna be soooo far out.. ;-p


      • #4

        Last edited by Heather74; 11-12-2008, 11:23. Reason: Merged.


        • #5
          Re: Talking or magic vegetables.. and aliens?

          Originally posted by Danny View Post
          I came across that, its from an Episode of "Lost in space" the episode was called "The Great Vegetable Rebellion".


          • #6
            Re: Talking or magic vegetables.. and aliens?

            Argh.. so many ideas (thanks guys!)
            I'm beginnign to think it may have been in another countrry now.. cause no one can remember it here in the UK.. but I did spend time in Aus... as a kiddy..

            Hmmm, my brain hurts... ;-p

