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Twin Peaks?

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  • #16
    Re: Twin Peaks?

    I remember Channel 5 repeated in their early days, & my Brother looked forward to this but was disppointed that it never recorded well onto video.

    He's now got a DVD box set of it.
    The Trickster On The Roof


    • #17
      Re: Twin Peaks?

      If anyone's thinking of watching it for the first time don't watch Fire Walk With Me until you've watched the series.

      Some of my favourite scenes (that don't give too much away);

      The Waiting Room
      The Vet's
      The Babysitter
      Sarah's Message


      • #18
        Re: Twin Peaks?

        Definately one of the best shows ever, have been a big kyle maclachlan fan ever since, Agent Cooper is my favourite TV character, he got me into drinking black coffee and I didn't drink coffee until about 7 years after I'd seen it on TV. I wish he was in Fire Walk With Me more and that he hadn't fallen out with David Lynch, would have been good to have Kyle in more Lynch films.


        • #19
          Re: Twin Peaks?

          Originally posted by Palazzo View Post
          It is indeed, Sixtyten. Both seasons are available to buy separately or you can buy the gold edition which is both seasons plus all kinds of other goodies, documentaries and interviews I take it.

          Fire Walk With Me can be picked up for small change and serves as a nice little add-on to the series itself. The only issue I had with the DVDs of the actual series was that I would have really liked more interviews, some great cast members were missing, perhaps they were unavailable at the time or something.
          I missed it first time around and I'd like to see it, but when I saw "season2" I backed off, not knowing how long it ran and how much expence it would be to watch.

          So, just to clarify, that's TWO seasons and a TVM?
          I could stretch to that, I think.


          • #20
            Re: Twin Peaks?

            The season one DVD is made up of four discs containing the first seven episodes plus the pilot. I think the fourth disc is just extras though, pretty sure the episodes themselves only stretch across the first three discs.

            The season two DVD is made up of six discs containing twenty-two episodes. Again, like the first set, I think the final disc is just an extras disc.

            The movie, Fire Walk With Me was released in cinemas worldwide and appeared over here in November 1992 according to the Internet Movie Database. I think the film is like Marmite in that you either love it or totally hate it but I really do think it's worth a watch and it brings the main storyline full-circle.


            • #21
              Re: Twin Peaks?

              Thanks Palazzo,
              I apreciate that, I'll look for a deal


              • #22
                Re: Twin Peaks?

                You're welcome mate,hope you get a good deal!


                • #23
                  Re: Twin Peaks?

                  Details of first Twin Peaks UK festival to mark the 20th anniversary here

                  "This year sees the 20th anniversary of David Lynch's TV masterpiece Twin Peaks. Join us for the first Twin Peaks UK Festival here at Riverside Studios.

                  This twelve-hour event consists of screenings including the film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, performances from The Double R Club (a Lynch inspired cabaret club), special guests from the show and lashings of David Lynch coffee, cherry pie and doughnuts!

                  Cast members Michael J. Anderson, Kimmy Robertson and Charlotte Stewart will be joining us as well as Paula K. Shimatsu-U who was creator, Mark Frost's assistant and the on-set photographer. Paula will be selling some of her prints at the Festival!

                  Also attending the Festival is the legendary Julee Cruise who will performing some of her Twin Peaks material including the hauntingly beautiful theme tune 'Falling'. Julee also has her first studio album in seven years, Julee Cruise v DJ Dimity: My Secret Life which is being released the same week of the Festival."
                  Last edited by ClaudineJones; 23-10-2010, 19:37.


                  • #24
                    Re: Twin Peaks?

                    Originally posted by ClaudineJones View Post
                    If anyone's thinking of watching it for the first time don't watch Fire Walk With Me until you've watched the series.

                    Some of my favourite scenes (that don't give too much away);

                    The Waiting Room
                    The Vet's
                    The Babysitter
                    Sarah's Message

                    is the series like a prequel to fire walk with me claudine.
                    FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                    • #25
                      Re: Twin Peaks?

                      Originally posted by darren View Post
                      is the series like a prequel to fire walk with me claudine.
                      Fire Walk With Me is the prequel to the series Darren but Lynch intended it to be watched after the series because it gives away who killed Laura. Completely ruins the series if you know who did it.

