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Need title for two sci-fi/horror movies/episodes

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  • Need title for two sci-fi/horror movies/episodes

    First of all I never knew a forum like this existed. It's awesome. Living with partial memories of old movies/episodes without a title is like living with cancer. :-) After many years I can finally put into words what I remember and ask for help in identifying the stuff.

    #1: Not sure if it's a movie or a TV episode but it's probably from the 80s. The one single thing I remember about it is the image I have in my head and I think (jeez this is so circumstancial) it shows two child-sized (could be alien or non-human) figures laying horizontally (I refer to it as "sleeping") in a corner of the room, each one along it's own wall, but hovering in the air. The best I can describe these two figures is they remind me of the child Drac from the movie Enemy Mine, cause the shape of the head seems familiar. So, like two little Dracs lying in the corner of a room, hovering off the ground, each one along his own wall with heads nearer to he corner. That's all I got.

    #2: The thing I remember about this one is a man being alive on the ground but without bones in his body. It's like he was made of rubber. I vaguely see him dressed in white on the pavement at night (??). He was laying on the ground and talking up to whoever/whatever did this to him (??). Again not sure if it's a movie or a TV show but I would probably bet on a TV show/episode like Twilight Zone. However I have watched both of the last two complete SERIES of the Twilight Zone and it wasn't from this show. I watched The Outer Limits also and it's not that either. Maybe Tales From The Crypt, which I haven't watched. Or something else completely.

    These two images are the only ones I can remember, they remain the only two requests of this nature and they're STUCK with me. They kept resurfacing regulaly for the last 10 years at least and I would like to solve this puzzle. At first I thought it was weird but I see there actually is a forum where people talk about these things no matter how vague/strange/off the mark their memories are. I just hope I can find some post an be able to give an answer to someone myself. :-) Thanks.
    Last edited by Perplexer; 26-03-2009, 00:07.

  • #2
    Re: Need title for two sci-fi/horror movies/episodes

    I'm sorry I can't answer your questions, but they're a clever bunch on here and I bet someone can.

    I just want to welcome you to the forum. It's very friendly and highly addictive!
    'Dreams come true if you want them to'


    • #3
      Re: Need title for two sci-fi/horror movies/episodes

      Hi perplexer,

      Your first description could have been an episode of "V". The aliens were very similar to Drac and there were a couple of child aliens in it too.

      As for the second, I have no idea. A man with no bones sounds wild though!!
      You know you're getting old when Dr. Who starts looking young!


      • #4
        Re: Need title for two sci-fi/horror movies/episodes

        Originally posted by Perplexer View Post
        ...being alive on the ground but without bones in his body. It's like he was made of rubber. I vaguely see him dressed in white on the pavement......... He was laying on the ground and talking up to whoever...
        Well, if you just take the bits I've quoted above, it sounds like the scene in ET when they find ET himself dying.

        But you said 'a man' which doesn't fit. And several other parts of your decription don't match the film, but I thought it worth a mention, just in case.


        • #5
          Re: Need title for two sci-fi/horror movies/episodes

          Originally posted by sarcymarky View Post
          Hi perplexer,

          Your first description could have been an episode of "V". The aliens were very similar to Drac and there were a couple of child aliens in it too.

          As for the second, I have no idea. A man with no bones sounds wild though!!
          The Starchild from V was a normal looking little girl with blond hair. Her twin was indeed an alien in physical appearance but from what i remember they only showed the alien twin once and thats when it was was rushed away never to be seen again iirc.

          Im almost sure the OP isnt looking for V in the first request.



          • #6
            Re: Need title for two sci-fi/horror movies/episodes

            I think the one about the man's bones disappearing was an episode of Doomwatch


            • #7
              Re: Need title for two sci-fi/horror movies/episodes

              Originally posted by Danny View Post
              I think the one about the man's bones disappearing was an episode of Doomwatch
              Actually, that rings a bell. There's an episode list here:

              Doomwatch - The '70s Television Series

              I can't see which one it might be with a quick glance but a bit of research may come up with the answer.


              • #8
                Re: Need title for two sci-fi/horror movies/episodes

                Take a look at Battery people? sroll down ...I know it say's fish but could he have gone on to try it on the man?
                Square-Eyed TV - Doomwatch

