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Alpha and Omega

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  • Alpha and Omega

    Vague memories of a puppet/cartoon type kids show possibly end of 60s or early 70s. 2 rock like figures with flashing lights as they talken called alpha and omega - or something like that. I seem to recall human characters as well but not really sure as I was probably only 7 at the time
    Just who was Soft Mick?

  • #2
    Re: Alpha and Omega

    They sound like Horta to me ( Star Trek "Devil in the Dark" episode)
    anyone know if the Star Trek cartoon series featured Horta's?


    • #3
      Re: Alpha and Omega

      It definitely wasn't a Star Trek episode. I may be confusing it with something else but I think it also had a humanoid dressed in "leaves" on a space ship. Confusing I know but we are talking about 35 years plus ago and I wasn't very old at the time.
      Just who was Soft Mick?


      • #4
        Re: Alpha and Omega

        Hi faxand1962
        I posted this a few months back

        when you mentioned 2 rocks that had flashing lights i thought it could be the show i half remembered.
        heres my original post

        does anyone remember a childrens fantasy show from the early 80's
        it was shown at around noon on sundays i think.

        it was on film and didn't look British. maybe European or even american.

        there is only one thing i remember about it.

        there was a man in his 60s - sort of a mad scientist with a face painted green or blue and wore a robe.
        (he looked like Granpa Munster).

        he was in a cave most of the time which had 2 rock pillars about 4 foot tall. on top of each of these were glass heads (like window dummy heads). they glowed red and green and spoke.

        imagine a cross between the sets on a 1960s Star Trek episode (when they beam down to a planet) with a bit of HR puffin stuff
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        • #5
          Re: Alpha and Omega

          I have to say that sounds almost like it but I would have been in my 20s then and I feel I was much younger. Hopefully someone will post some info re that show.
          Just who was Soft Mick?


          • #6
            Re: Alpha and Omega

            It was probably re-shown in the 80's or was a kind of remake. Doesn't ring any bells with me I'm afraid.
            Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time.

