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flying robot called wiki

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  • flying robot called wiki

    this is possibably a film i`m looking for, but i`m searching for a film from the late 70`s or early eighties, it`s about a hero who teams up with a female fighter who carries a staff, and it has a small flying robot called wiki, who doesn`t talk i don`t remember if the robot has any weaponary, i thought it was called eliminators, but the film i`m looking for does not have any kung fu ninja`s in it, nor does it feature time travel, i believe it is set on an alien world, and i seam to remember the robot flying through a tunnel filled with laser beams or dodging laser beams, can anyone help id this film.

  • #2
    Re: flying robot called wiki

    Eliminators (1986)

    Has Ninjas, but Robot is called Spot


    • #3
      Re: flying robot called wiki

      the film i`m looking for isn`t eliminators, i have this film on video, the film i`m looking for was set eariler than eliminators, and the robot in it is differently called wiki not spot, while eliminators is a good film, i believe the film i`m searching for is better, i use to think the film was called dragonslayer, and if i remember correctly it was shown on anglia, but when i try searching through old programme listings, i can`t find any film by this name anywhere, and i thought i had problems tracking down oscar,kino and the laser, this one seams to have us all stumped.


      • #4
        Re: flying robot called wiki

        I think you're thinking of an American TV show called 'Jason of Star Command'.

        I seem to remember watching it on ITV around 1982. Jason had a small pocket sized robot called 'W1K1' (actually a wind up toy), which amongst other things could fly (be dangled on wires ). I think it was obligatory for every Sci-Fi show around then to have a cute robot!

        Oh, and it also starred James 'Scotty' Doohan!

        Hope that helps

        YouTube - Jason of Star Command EP1


        • #5
          Re: flying robot called wiki

          yes it brings back a few memories, although back then we only had a black and white tv, some time after watching this i got a little toy robot like wiki, and a few months later i lost it somehow, never did find it, thanks for the reminder now i have to find a copy for sale somewhere.

