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TV/Films That Scared You.

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  • TV/Films That Scared You.

    In the early 80s when I was nine years old the Nightmare Man on the BBC was terrifying stuff; a series of gruesome murders builds up to a hunt for a monster/alien.
    Sapphire & Steel goes without saying, particularly the first episode set in a house where a nursery rhyme was read backwards.
    Armchair Thriller. Just watching the opening credits had me going...

  • #2
    Re: TV that scared you.

    Dr Who (Pertwee era) and although I was a huge fan of the show,The Mysterons on Captain Scarlet petrified me.
    Apparently,my elder sister used to sneak outside my bedroom as a child and do the Mysterons voice and I'd be in a state


    • #3
      Re: TV that scared you.

      Dr Who scary don't make me laugh....... try Saturday nights at your Grans hoping the good Dr would never end because of what came on next!!!!!
      Dixon of Dock Green, The Black and White Minstrals and lordy Val thats scary TV
      The eyes have it!


      • #4
        Re: TV that scared you.

        Ah! and The Generation Game,Saturday night at the movies and The Likely lads..magic!


        • #5
          Re: TV that scared you.

          How about The Incredible Hulk and Day Of The Trifids, oh and Worzel Gummidge.
          "Ah, nostalgia ain't what it used to be..."


          • #6
            Re: TV that scared you.

            I'd forgotten about Day of the triffids, its Enough to give any kid nightmares!!!


            • #7
              Re: TV that scared you.

              In the early 60's I remember a show it was set in victorian times cant remember the name of it if anyone can help me thanks...anyway it used to scare the life out of story was about a man who murdered his wife or mother in law and the final scene she came back to life . I was only little and I shouldnt have been watching it but my mam was on the door step talking to one of her neighbours think I was suppose to be in bed but got up lol..

              The theme tune to the show was The Blue Danube Waltz anyone remember it even the song scared the living daylights out of me for years lol.

              The time in a lady's life when she is suddenly drawn to wearing leopard print. Pre-leopopausal women think leopard print tops are slightly tacky no matter what the fashion du jour, while the post-leopopausal believe they add a touch of African mystique to any outfit.


              • #8
                Re: TV that scared you.

                As far as scary TV goes my worst was an episode of ITV's Thriller called Won't Write Home Mom - I'm Dead. The image of a girl looking into a pottery kiln and seeing two faces slowly turn to look at her gave me the willies for weeks

                The other one was a US made for TV movie called Don't Be Afraid of the Dark where a couple move into a new house and unbrick a fireplace, releasing a horde of little demons. They're afraid of the light and it ends up with the wife holding off the little monsters with a camera and one of those old style flash bars. Of course one by one, she uses up the flashes...


                • #9
                  Re: TV that scared you.

                  i remember watching a series called tripods where big metal machines similar to the ones depicted in war of the worlds used to try and kill the human race..... that used to frighten the living daylights out of


                  • #10
                    Re: TV that scared you.

                    man, that scared the beffuddlement out of me and my then wife back in 1992

                    i just got a copy on dvd, and its still obvious why they banned it for so long...

                    round and round the garden, like a teddy bear....


                    • #11
                      Re: TV that scared you.

                      My brother sent me that (Ghos****ch) DVD for xmas, still haven't watched it yet (unlike my "John's Not Mad" DVD which gets watched weekyl!).

                      The Sea Devils were the things that scared me in Dr Who.

                      The episode of Sapphire and Steel still freaks me out with the ghost of the WWI soldier whistling "pack up your troubles" at the train station, whenever I'm at a station at night and it's a little foggy I think of it!

                      Not quite TV but I remember listening to the "voices from beyond the grave" floppy plastic record that came with the first issue of "Unexplained" in a mate's room and none of us would sleep in that room that night.

                      Big wuss me.


                      • #12
                        Re: TV that scared you.

                        Public information films are what scared the bejeezus out of me the most! Especially anything to do with fire or road accidents - waaah!


                        • #13
                          Re: TV that scared you.

                          Seem pretty tame now, but Tales of the Unexpected and the Twilight Zone


                          • #14
                            Re: TV that scared you.

                            Ghost watch has to be the winner, PIPES ....PIPES !!!!!!

                            I still cant believe they didnt "Advertise" it as a work of fiction instead of letting everyone believe it was a "live" documentory.

                            If it wasnt for the bit at the end with i think Michael Parkinson saying theres gremlins in the works and the funny stuff happening on screen i would probably still be thinking it was real.

                            Mad stuff



                            • #15
                              Re: TV that scared you.

                              I have to admit to being well and Truely sucked in by it!!!I sat there scared witless, but the I am a gullible fool!!

