Describe any discontinued liquorice sweets.
3ft long liquorice whips. A shop near my primary school sold them along with a few others here and there in the late 1990s. Whips they were. I can remember a time when I defended myself from a school bully with one. He was in agony.
Thin liquorice sticks coated in fizzy crystals similar to the stuff on fizzy cola bottles. They came in a small bag like fizzy cola lances.
Co-Op liquorice shapes. Disappeared around 2004.
Autodrop black liquorice beetles. Small liquorice sweets in the shape of Volkswagen Beetles that tasted like ammonia. Around for a few years in the 1990s.
Mr Bellamy's Amazing Liquorice Novelties. They came in a large box and it was common for shops to sell pieces individually. I have never seen them in reality because they were probably discontinued before my time.
3ft long liquorice whips. A shop near my primary school sold them along with a few others here and there in the late 1990s. Whips they were. I can remember a time when I defended myself from a school bully with one. He was in agony.
Thin liquorice sticks coated in fizzy crystals similar to the stuff on fizzy cola bottles. They came in a small bag like fizzy cola lances.
Co-Op liquorice shapes. Disappeared around 2004.
Autodrop black liquorice beetles. Small liquorice sweets in the shape of Volkswagen Beetles that tasted like ammonia. Around for a few years in the 1990s.
Mr Bellamy's Amazing Liquorice Novelties. They came in a large box and it was common for shops to sell pieces individually. I have never seen them in reality because they were probably discontinued before my time.