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Big Toblerone!

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  • Big Toblerone!

    Was just looking round the shops yesterday when my eye caught a giant toblerone, it was 4.5kg and reduced to $120! Was wondering if anyone has had one and how the heck you'd eat the thing! The small ones are difficult enough sticking up in your gums as you bite it.
    "Ah, nostalgia ain't what it used to be..."

  • #2
    Re: Big Toblerone!

    Thats big! Biggest I've ever had is the foot long one and thats enough!


    • #3
      Re: Big Toblerone!

      Now thats what i call a chocolate bar!!
      Last edited by Heather74; 05-09-2007, 21:02.


      • #4
        Re: Big Toblerone!

        Wow that's HUGE Steve - you start at one end, I'll start at the other and we'll meet somewhere mid ocean
        Joybee - DYR SUPERGRAN !!
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        • #5
          Re: Big Toblerone!

          Now why cant u get Cadbury's chocolate that size??
          Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional


          • #6
            Re: Big Toblerone!

            Mrs P just brought me one home( the small foot size one) after a shopping trip to Birmingham ........Guilt Guilt Guilt( was hoping for the new fruit and nut one)
            The eyes have it!


            • #7
              Re: Big Toblerone!

              Still selling them in K-Mart, now back up to $150! Told my daughter we'd buy one if she could lift it, fortunately she couldn't. Ended up trying a small fruit and nut one instead, very nice - more fruity than nutty!
              "Ah, nostalgia ain't what it used to be..."


              • #8
                Re: Big Toblerone!

                Actually, they're very common, especially around Xmas. Here in Scotland they sell for £5.99 each (I think, not sure). You get loadsa other giant bars too. Pigs. :P


                • #9
                  Re: Big Toblerone!

                  BIG Toblerone is available in Woolworths...£39.99


                  • #10
                    Re: Big Toblerone!

                    I remember a few years ago one of the Woolies Christmas catalogues featured the biggest bar ever (5Kg or 10Kg ? ) of Cadburys chocolate - these were about £35

                    I went to my local Woolies branch to get one just to gobsmack my wife at Xmas and this arrogant manager said he didn't stock them - I showed him catalogue and the bar but he said "who's going to pay that much for a bar of chocolate?" answer "Well me, that's why I'm stood here"

                    He seemed to feel he would have to order it and then I'd pull out of the purchase so I offered to pay up front but he still wouldn't go for it - I discussed this back at work the next week and three others out of forty odd people said they had also been trying to get one . . . is it any wonder Woolies went bust with fools like that guy running their stores?

                    Anyways a check with Woolies HQ revealed the only store in the North of England that had any was Southport -way too far to travel just for a choc bar
                    Last edited by Danny; 13-10-2009, 14:37. Reason: spelling


                    • #11
                      Re: Big Toblerone!

                      They do hurt your gums! So do Hula Hoops by the way, sometimes they split apart very suddenly.
                      I remember my mam the odd time having a Toblerone on her knee that she'd break up for us to share. They seemed huge then and I'd imagine they were the standard sized ones not the enormous ones you see now. Wagon Wheels were like dinner plates then and wtf happened to Curly wurlies?...They're just shrinking away as the years go by.


                      • #12
                        Re: Big Toblerone!

                        and just what weight is it mate.
                        and can you still get it now.

                        im sure its not a 4.5 kg bar.

                        and how long was that 4.5 kg bar.

                        yes they are tough on your teeth.
                        think they designed the toblerone on the shape of the matterhorn, most iconic mountain in switzerland.

                        Originally posted by sixtyten View Post
                        BIG Toblerone is available in Woolworths...£39.99
                        FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL

