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  • Lucozade

    In prep for forthcoming illness after our booster, the Mrs bought a bottle of Lucozade to “aid recovery”
    I remember the the old glass bottle wrapped in the crinkly orange cellophane and the taste, while not unpleasant felt certainly medicinal and probably made me think in my reasoning it was doing me a little good. It’s taste made other fizzy drinks much more preferable ie. Fanta, coke , lemonade etc. and I’m sure Lucozade was never stocked near the normal fizzy drinks

    aside from the long gone glass bottle, todays Lucozade tastes nothing like the old stuff and I hear that because the glucose syrup once used has been cut right back as it’s 4 times more fattening than sugar .
    there must be artificial sweeteners in it too.
    It’s first intended purpose seems to have disappeared.

  • #2
    Yes I remember those bottles too, the glass neck had a dimpled effect. I always associate the taste of Lucozade with the taste of Milk of Magnesia, both were readily available in Boots the Chemist.
    I suppose they were used in tandem during childhood bugs and illnesses, hence the association.


    • #3
      That borough back a memory , i posted (literally) a suggestion to HINTS and TIPS in the Car and Car Mechanics magazine in the UK back in 1970 the suggestion to use a LUCOZADE wrap to stick onto your headlights to comply with, the then obligatory yellow covers on headlights for France .. I think the posting got me a 2 quid postal order... so thankyou Lucozade, a drink that i found very refreshing .....i wonder what it contained that would now be banned ?

