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  • Vol-au-vents!

    As a child, growing up in the 80’s and early 90’s, I used to attend some parties at local Working Men’s Clubs. I have fond memories of mullet wearing DJ’s playing awful songs like Agadoo, The Birdie Song and Superman; whilst hanging around the toilets with the other kids that were there (out of sight of the adults eyes).

    The party food was the best; with a selection of sandwiches (with the crusts cut off), pineapple and cheese on sticks (poked into a grapefruit wrapped in foil), party ring biscuits (spread out on paper plates), jelly and blancmange; and of course… Vol-au-vents! Yes, these little puffed pastry cases filled with egg mayo, tuna mayo and various other fillings brought me so much joy. For the life of me, why did they stop doing these at parties? I think they died-out in the late 90’s, never to return as a party staple.

    I loved vol-au-vents. I’ve tried to buy them now, in present times, but they are nothing like they used to be. They are now just frozen cr@p (with the filling already in them) bought from Iceland. This simply will not do. Bring back the vol-au-vent!

    Opinions, discussions and favourite flavours please
    Last edited by TubThumper; 25-04-2024, 17:23.

  • #2
    chunky chicken filling... love 'em

    having them for dinner tonight!


    • #3
      I can't believe that nobody mentioned vol-au-vents until now.

      No buffet party in the 1970s was complete without them.

      There was a craze for French food in the late 1960s that lasted until the early 1980s as a result of more people travelling to European countries. Tastes diversified in the 1980s and interest in French food fell into decline outside of haute cuisine.

      I can believe that vol-au-vents, along with cheese and pineapple on sticks, lingered on in working men's clubs into the 1990s as they were hangouts to show off fashion and haircuts from 10 years ago.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Arran View Post
        I can't believe that nobody mentioned vol-au-vents until now..
        They are mentioned several times across the forum mainly on the two threads 70s party food and 80s party food


        • #5
          There is a mention of vol-au-vents way back in 2007. The search facility on this forum isn't very good.


          • #6
            I’m new to this forum, so I haven’t had a detailed look. I haven’t seen any recent mention of vol-au-vents, so that’s why I started off this post.


            • #7
              No problem at all, we actively encourage new members to start new topics about their own memories IMO it keeps the forum fresh and alive!
              As far as I'm concerned the more posts on the forum the better and after all no matter how much a topic has been discussed no one else can post your memories of a subject other than you !

