Who can remember the feeling of excitment as you heard the Ice Cream man coming from three streets away, the sheer panic of missing him if your Mum didn't give you the "pennies" quick enough
There's two that stick out in my mind from my childhood "Mr Whippy" and "Mr Ginelli" one had the tune Greensleves and the other just the classic "Ding Dong De Ding Dong" chimes.
I remember one had Tom and Jerry on the back and the "Mind that Child" warning, best of all though those lovely window stickers with what to choose (bet a few people would love to own some of those).
The only other thing I have struggled whether to mention or not is the gross bit... some horrible kids in our neighbourhood decided to start a rumour that poor old Mr Whippy would pick his nose and put the "outcome" In the Ice Cream:cry:
Was this an awful local rumour or was it widespread??
So anyway, how was your local van decorated? What tune did he play? And did he give you broken cone bits if you asked nicely?

There's two that stick out in my mind from my childhood "Mr Whippy" and "Mr Ginelli" one had the tune Greensleves and the other just the classic "Ding Dong De Ding Dong" chimes.
I remember one had Tom and Jerry on the back and the "Mind that Child" warning, best of all though those lovely window stickers with what to choose (bet a few people would love to own some of those).
The only other thing I have struggled whether to mention or not is the gross bit... some horrible kids in our neighbourhood decided to start a rumour that poor old Mr Whippy would pick his nose and put the "outcome" In the Ice Cream:cry:

So anyway, how was your local van decorated? What tune did he play? And did he give you broken cone bits if you asked nicely?
