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Christmas When You Were Growing Up

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  • Danniella
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by victorbrunswick View Post
    In terms of blood relatives I have a very small family. The only Christmas card I receive is from the son of one of my cousins whom I've never met. 😛
    I'm the opposite, my late father had 15 siblings, so i have tons of cousins and second cousins, there's loads I've never met and probably never will.

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  • amethyst
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Am pleased for you George still only got 3 at the moment

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  • Danniella
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by George 1978 View Post
    The postman came today and I am pleased to say that I had four lovely Christmas cards in the post from two relatives, a friend, and even somewhere where I went when in holiday - I just hope that all the other Christmas cards I receive will be from those who are passionate about Christmas and other people (such as myself), and that what happened last week is in the past.
    That's lovely! ☺
    I haven't received any yet, i haven't sent any yet either, I'll fill some in tomorrow as it's my day off.

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  • George 1978
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    The postman came today and I am pleased to say that I had four lovely Christmas cards in the post from two relatives, a friend, and even somewhere where I went when in holiday - I just hope that all the other Christmas cards I receive will be from those who are passionate about Christmas and other people (such as myself), and that what happened last week is in the past.

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  • amethyst
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    3 so far for me

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  • George 1978
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    I have always felt that the more Christmas cards I receive, the more I feel that I am in the Christmas mood and want to celebrate it.

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  • victorbrunswick
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    In terms of blood relatives I have a very small family. The only Christmas card I receive is from the son of one of my cousins whom I've never met. 😛

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  • George 1978
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    Not sure who this guy is or how he ended up on your christmas card list but he clearly has issues and you clearly don't need him in your circle of friends, don't let this fester George life's too short to waste time worrying about this dipstick
    I am not sure either, but I wouldn't want to hear from him again. This is the problem - letter or email correspondence is easier than "face to face" communication, although the problem is that one can never get to know the other person properly enough.

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  • George 1978
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    I would like to thank Amethyst for her PMs - I am grateful to hear from you.

    Another thing I would like to add is that I just found out today that I had sent a Christmas card to another member of the same group - and I had found out from someone who had contacted me in the post today that the person had actually died four years ago. I could have kicked myself for sending it after I had found out - there were so many people on the list hence not realising who was who. The problem is that the list of people who were members of a social group that I had was dated from 2012 and that was the final list I had received - I have dispersed of the list and got rid of it. The irony was that I used the list right up until last year without any problems - some members had told me by letter that some had moved or passed on, and I crossed them off and all that.

    This is the main problem with modern life - people move on without us even knowing about it, and we automatically assume that things have remained the same from a few years ago when obviously it things have changed. Admittedly, it had my old address in the booklet, but I would have still received post as I used the Royal Mail's redirection service for a few years after I had moved. When people move, that is usually the last you hear from them, and if one doesn't make friends too easily, it can be such a huge loss.

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  • Danniella
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    Not sure who this guy is or how he ended up on your christmas card list but he clearly has issues and you clearly don't need him in your circle of friends, don't let this fester George life's too short to waste time worrying about this dipstick
    Well said tex! Your use of the word 'dipstick' made me giggle too!

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  • Danniella
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by George 1978 View Post
    I received your PM and I thank you so much for it.
    Ah you're welcome! ☺

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  • George 1978
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Many years ago I used to think why so many people have loads of Christmas cards and I had very few, and so I used to send cards to people I know and the cards increased - I think that friendships are made that way as a result, and at this time of year, I focus a lot more on cards than presents. It's like when a speed dating event a few years ago matched me up with a woman who I didn't even tick "date" for - they must have made a mistake because she put the phone down on me, but I would have still given her the benefit of the doubt.

    At least I try and make an effort to make friends, and if you were in my shoes, you would probably say that it is very difficult.

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  • George 1978
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by Mulletino View Post
    Sounds like a right old Scrooge!

    You know what they say, you can't change the people around you, but you can change the people around you.

    Ditch the mug, or send him a Happy New Year card, a valentine's card, an Easter Card.... etc.
    He won't hear from me again, and neither will the majority of members who was in the same group.

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  • George 1978
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    Not sure who this guy is or how he ended up on your christmas card list but he clearly has issues and you clearly don't need him in your circle of friends, don't let this fester George life's too short to waste time worrying about this dipstick
    He was a member of a group that I was also a member of, and I assume that he didn't want to be reminded of being in that group - (I am not psychic and so therefore I cannot be responsible for other people's feelings). Admittedly, his details was on a list which was a few years old (and I haven't got a more up to date version of it), and so I have stopped using that list and got rid of it. I haven't had anything like this happen to be in previous years and so I was quite shocked. There were so many people on the list, and some had moved away and all that, and I have tried to keep up with the changes such as change of address and all that - at first it was a appreciated when I sent them Christmas cards in the post, but I suppose that a lot of them moved on where I haven't.

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  • George 1978
    Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up

    Originally posted by Nuggy14 View Post
    That's awful George, it's never happened to me but if it did I'd not let it spoil my Christmas, clearly this person has issues that need dealing with and will probably send all the Christmas cards back to the senders. Keep your chin up and look forward to Christmas! ☺
    I received your PM and I thank you so much for it.

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