Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up
I used to send out Christmas cards, usually under a dozen, and get some as well, and then I had a period of moving around where one year it got missed (did not think of it until too late, which is received my first card), and if you skip once everyone drops you I think... so then I made a couple more attempts, but at the end I think I was just getting two, and with both of them we talked by email more so I would send an e-card of my own making. I still have some cards I've gotten in the past though, some were unique and designed by the sender, and one I even framed and it's on the wall still from older lady neighbour who is gone quite awhile now (she was originally from Cornwall). I have saved pretty much all the bear ones, and anything with a lot of writing inside. My father sends three out to distant relatives in the East and Europe, and my Mother sends to her brother and sister and they each send one back, all with lottery tickets.
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Christmas When You Were Growing Up
Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up
Sounds like a right old Scrooge!
You know what they say, you can't change the people around you, but you can change the people around you.
Ditch the mug, or send him a Happy New Year card, a valentine's card, an Easter Card.... etc.
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Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up
Not sure who this guy is or how he ended up on your christmas card list but he clearly has issues and you clearly don't need him in your circle of friends, don't let this fester George life's too short to waste time worrying about this dipstick
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Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up
Christmas time is a lonely time for a lot of people it is not nice,yes George chin up there is always someone here for you
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Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up
Originally posted by George 1978 View PostI was wondering whether anyone has experienced anything like I have just done this year?
Last week, I posted all the Christmas cards to people I know, including people who were members of a group that I belonged to a few years ago. On Thursday, someone who was a member of group had returned my card, writing in telling me to stop sending him a Christmas cards and called me a swearword. I fell so upset, offended and disgusted that I wished someone a Merry Christmas and I feel that they have abused me. This is the first time this happened, and I hope to God it will be the last - I am too upset to even think about Christmas.
Has this happened to anyone before on here? - it's hardly the crime of the century to wish someone a Merry Christmas in December is it?
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Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up
Thanks both Tex and Amethyst - reading your messages on here has cheered me up. It's just that sending the card back to me and calling me an f-word is so insulting when I take the time at this time of the year to be nice to them - I really feel personal hurt when someone has done that to me.
At this time of year, one can also feel cut off due to the lack of communication, and that can be a bad thing. I am old-fashioned and think that a good old-fashioned and traditional card is better than an online message - it lasts longer as well.
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Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up
The guys a looser George...put it out of your mind..Online greetings seem to be a growing trend, sad but true
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Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up
It is not nice at all when someone does that,I have noticed the last few Christmas the amount of cards received is getting less.I sent out 8 cards to neighbours in 2018 and only got 2 back.Of course it is important to have friends but when they abuse your good gesture then maybe in the Long run their not true friends at all.
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Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up
Thank you for your response - I am not a mind-reader and so I don't know what other people are thinking. I have enough to put up with when it comes to the difficulties of social phobias, and the last thing I want to have at this time of year is have a phobia of opening Christmas cards that I receive in the post. I would have preferred no response at all rather than a abusive response - no news is good news as they say. I am thinking whether is this the only time, or the first time?
Making friends is important in life - I feel that I have made friends on this forum (you included), and it can knock you back when one person tells you to get off in an unpleasant way.
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Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up
There's no excuse for something like that. Non-acknowledgement would suffice or a return to sender. Perhaps they had some bone to pick with Christianity or something along those lines? If a wiccan wishes you a good hallow's eve it's just polite to say 'ta'. Or if a Buddhist wishes you a great big nothing because all reality is ultimately illusion you can say 'thanks for nothing'.
That sort of thing is about them, not about you is how I've come to see things like that. You did nothing to invite abuse. Perhaps they are having a really bad time, but lashing out someone else isn't going to help anyone. I have even gotten some overly preachy cards (anti-commercial aspects, very religious) and have never felt any need to respond with a critique.
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Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up
I was wondering whether anyone has experienced anything like I have just done this year?
Last week, I posted all the Christmas cards to people I know, including people who were members of a group that I belonged to a few years ago. On Thursday, someone who was a member of group had returned my card, writing in telling me to stop sending him a Christmas cards and called me a swearword. I fell so upset, offended and disgusted that I wished someone a Merry Christmas and I feel that they have abused me. This is the first time this happened, and I hope to God it will be the last - I am too upset to even think about Christmas.
Has this happened to anyone before on here? - it's hardly the crime of the century to wish someone a Merry Christmas in December is it?
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Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up
The only "Toy Day" I seem to remember was in Infant school when one friend brought in their Playmobil Builders Truck, I thought that thing was the best thing ever!
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Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up
Toy Day was at the end of the school year in July. One lad brought in his Test Match cricket game set which took up half the classroom.
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Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up
Originally posted by staffslad View PostAt school, infant/junior school that is, I remember that after Christmas we were allowed to bring in a toy and play with it. There was also toy day, which was right at the end of the summer term, but I also have memories of taking a toy to school after starting back after Christmas. Did anyone else have that?
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Re: Christmas When You Were Growing Up
At school, infant/junior school that is, I remember that after Christmas we were allowed to bring in a toy and play with it. There was also toy day, which was right at the end of the summer term, but I also have memories of taking a toy to school after starting back after Christmas. Did anyone else have that?
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