If I was going alone, a packet of Polos or similar was enough.[/QUOTE] pick 'n' mix staffslad. In case anyone is wondering wahat a Choo Choo bar is.(see below). By the end of the movie your mouth was an ugly black color. Not heard of Fantales (below) in the UK. Chewy caramel toffee that came with a bio of a movie star on the wrapper Redskins (below) were also one of my faves.
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A trip down memory lane
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Re: A trip down memory lane
If I was going alone, a packet of Polos or similar was enough.[/QUOTE] pick 'n' mix staffslad. In case anyone is wondering wahat a Choo Choo bar is.(see below). By the end of the movie your mouth was an ugly black color. Not heard of Fantales (below) in the UK. Chewy caramel toffee that came with a bio of a movie star on the wrapper Redskins (below) were also one of my faves.
Re: A trip down memory lane
Originally posted by staffslad View PostWe would very occasionally have an ice cream tub and a Kia-Ora when I was young and my mom took me.
If I was taking a girl, I would arrange to meet her outside Woolworth's as it was a couple of minutes from the cinema, and we would go inside and get some pick 'n' mix. Cinema sweets prices were outside my affordability range. If I was flush--not often--I would sometimes buy her an ice cream of some kind during intermission and share it if she offered.
If I was going alone, a packet of Polos or similar was enough.
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Re: A trip down memory lane
Originally posted by darren View PostOther films i remember seeing with my uncle where supergirl and neverending story.
Yeah staffslad it may well have been a triple bill that was done nationwide in fact id be sure of it.
I didn't see it myself, but I was passing the cinema when the customers were coming out. I spotted my neighbour and his son and stopped and gave them a lift. He told me that he had really enjoyed it, but his son, who was about 3, had slept through most of Empire Strikes Back.
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Re: A trip down memory lane
Originally posted by tex View PostPick n mix...wow you must of been loaded, one trick is to choose marshmallows and pink shrimps,more for your moohlah. At my local "vue"cinema admission is now £3.99 every monday and a bag of revels...also £3.99, go figure.
I am talking about the late 70s into the mid 80s, so I don't think it was so bad back then pick 'n' mix wise, though my eye was always on VFM. Yeah, marshmallows and shrimps are nice and light, but they don't seem to last long, so I was ina quandry as to whether to choose toffees and boiled sweets instead--heavier but it takes your date longer to get through them lol.
The last time I went to the cinema was to see Titantic around 1999 or whenever it was released. It bored me silly and seemed to go on forever. Can't remember what I paid back then, but these days there is simply nothing that even remotely interests me in the cinema, so I instead buy DVDs of old films that I like.
Revels...haven't had any of those for ages...anyone remember that very old ad for Revels on TV with Derrick Guyler around the time he was in Please Sir? "No, you can't have a box of chocolates for sixpence, sonny, but you can have a bag." The reference to sixpence (2.5p in new money) dates it to pre-decimalisation days.
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Re: A trip down memory lane
Other films i remember seeing with my uncle where supergirl and neverending story.
Yeah staffslad it may well have been a triple bill that was done nationwide in fact id be sure of it.
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Re: A trip down memory lane
Originally posted by staffslad View PostWe would very occasionally have an ice cream tub and a Kia-Ora when I was young and my mom took me.
If I was taking a girl, I would arrange to meet her outside Woolworth's as it was a couple of minutes from the cinema, and we would go inside and get some pick 'n' mix. Cinema sweets prices were outside my affordability range. If I was flush--not often--I would sometimes buy her an ice cream of some kind during intermission and share it if she offered.
If I was going alone, a packet of Polos or similar was enough.
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Re: A trip down memory lane
Originally posted by zabadak View PostI don't remember us ever being allowed to have anything when we went to the cinema...
If I was taking a girl, I would arrange to meet her outside Woolworth's as it was a couple of minutes from the cinema, and we would go inside and get some pick 'n' mix. Cinema sweets prices were outside my affordability range. If I was flush--not often--I would sometimes buy her an ice cream of some kind during intermission and share it if she offered.
If I was going alone, a packet of Polos or similar was enough.
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Re: A trip down memory lane
Originally posted by darren View PostOne memory i have is going to the movies with my uncle in the eighties i remember one time seeing star wars eps 4 5 and 6 back to back in a triple bill with no more than 10 mins break between them.
Must have been around 84 85.
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Re: A trip down memory lane
Originally posted by Donald the Great View PostJust finally on the movies. What was your confectionery of choice? Mine was the licorice Choo Choo Bar, Fantales sweets with a bio of movie stars on the wrapper. My mates and I were particularly fond of Musk Sticks as you sucked them to a point and then stuck the girls with them.
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Re: A trip down memory lane
One memory i have is going to the movies with my uncle in the eighties i remember one time seeing star wars eps 4 5 and 6 back to back in a triple bill with no more than 10 mins break between them.
Must have been around 84 85.
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Re: A trip down memory lane
Sliding down the local sand hills on a board was another favorite past time for us kids.
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Re: A trip down memory lane
Originally posted by tex View PostSoccer usually played with a coke tin, net fishing at the local river and generally getting up to mischief, i would always arrive home covered in muck and recieve a clip round the ear from mam
This is an Australian Yabbie. A pygmy lobster is a good way to describe them.
Last edited by Donald the Great; 19-08-2018, 14:53.
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Re: A trip down memory lane
Originally posted by staffslad View PostMy cousin's next-door neighbour worked at our local cinema, so my cousin and I often got in for free when she was on duty. We also would stay in the cinema and watch the film twice if we liked it. I clearly recall going to see Diamonds are Forever with him and we liked it so much that we watched it again.
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Re: A trip down memory lane
Originally posted by Donald the Great View Postbogeys? I made one, rather my father did, using my old pram wheels (large) but most kids used the smaller wheels. Yes plenty of grazed knees. Wonder we did not kill ourselves.What other hobbies did you have tex?
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Re: A trip down memory lane
What were your hobbies growing up DYRers? These were mine.. bird egg collecting and catching Cicadas.(see pic)
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