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School yard games

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  • nogden
    Re: School yard games

    so you used to play football..... we were so poor we never had a ball, used to use a stone lol

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  • stevef
    Re: School yard games

    We just played the usual games - football, handball, football, bulldog, football and more football!

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  • Heather74
    Re: School yard games

    we had to shout out british bull dogs 123, when we caught someone,giving them a chance to wriggle free before you got the whole phrase out.

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  • nogden
    Re: School yard games

    i remember playing bulldogs...

    there was one person in the middle trying to tag someone and you had to get from one side of the "playing field" to the other without being tagged. If someone got tagged they were in the middle with the current tagee. the game was over when everyone had got tagged and the first person to be tagged was the one who started in te middle next game.

    I have no idea why it was called bulldogs but i remeber being in the center and caught the back of one persons shoe with my finger and dislocating it....ouch!!!

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  • Heather74
    Re: School yard games

    I like reading peoples thoughts and memories. Very naughty zippy

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  • sixtyten
    Re: School yard games

    very Naughty Zippy

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    Guest replied
    Re: School yard games

    Originally posted by OrangeCremolaFoam View Post
    Hi Cal...

    I went to School locally here in Scotland but we played Red Rover, where two teams formed a line at opposite ends of the playground then you had to hop over and with folded arme try to bash the other person down and if you were left standing then the next member of theat team came across to shouts of..'Red Rover, Red Rover Let Rab come Over' until one of the teams was knocked out..another vicious game we used to play was called 'Manhunt, where you split into two teams and one team were escaping convicts and the others were Police..the Convicts team choses a word then split that by taking a letter each and then they had 5 minutes to run and hide somewhere in the playground until the 'police' team tried to find and catch them then 'persuade' each convict to give up their letter, usually through kicking and punching them and general violence! lol. (sounds mad when im describing it!)..the problem was if you were the Police and you caught a Team meber of the convicts that you really hated then it was just and excuse to batter them sensless as if they did yeild and give you their letter you just shouted that you didnt believe them and kept hitting them until playtime/dinner ended!!!!! lol lol..sounds crazy now but it was the 1970's after all!!!

    All the best...

    Rab ;0)
    Says quote[not lifestory]keep it short eh!

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  • Heather74
    Re: School yard games

    No way! lol

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    Guest replied
    Re: School yard games

    I loved elastic twist,it was fab but my mum got sick of having to buy me new knickers every monday,because mine kept falling down.

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  • OrangeCremolaFoam
    Hi Cal...

    I went to School locally here in Scotland but we played Red Rover, where two teams formed a line at opposite ends of the playground then you had to hop over and with folded arme try to bash the other person down and if you were left standing then the next member of theat team came across to shouts of..'Red Rover, Red Rover Let Rab come Over' until one of the teams was knocked out..another vicious game we used to play was called 'Manhunt, where you split into two teams and one team were escaping convicts and the others were Police..the Convicts team choses a word then split that by taking a letter each and then they had 5 minutes to run and hide somewhere in the playground until the 'police' team tried to find and catch them then 'persuade' each convict to give up their letter, usually through kicking and punching them and general violence! lol. (sounds mad when im describing it!)..the problem was if you were the Police and you caught a Team meber of the convicts that you really hated then it was just and excuse to batter them sensless as if they did yeild and give you their letter you just shouted that you didnt believe them and kept hitting them until playtime/dinner ended!!!!! lol lol..sounds crazy now but it was the 1970's after all!!!

    All the best...

    Rab ;0)

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  • Cal
    started a topic School yard games

    School yard games

    what games did you play at break times .

    i remember statues, top trumps, and one which i think was called ....Queenio cokeyio (spelling) with a tennis ball and a wall.
    also seasonal games like conkers.

    i guess modern day kids link up there PSP's and knock the sh!t out of each other