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School yard games

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  • George 1978
    Re: School yard games

    Not quite a game as such, but occasionally when we (as kids) were in the playground, and the infamous Infant school gate was ajar (cf my other thread), if a man walking his dog was passing by in the street outside, the dog (at least once) managed to run away from its owner and squeeze through the space in the gate into the main playground. "It's doggy time" someone in the playground shouted, and we almost had a game with the animal while its owner was trying to call it back out again, which it eventually did.

    Or occasionally if a football went over the fence into the street, we got it ourselves or hoped that someone would through it back into the playground.

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  • George 1978
    Re: School yard games

    Kids used to use the metal grates on the floor to play marbles with - who on earth would find something like a metal grate so interesting? I had an old Nesquik tin of marbles myself. Marbles were the semi-official currency of the school playground back then.

    Also, Dobby Off Ground (which says a lot about the "there and then", not to mention the "where and when" of regional differences in late 1980s school playgrounds).

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  • 80sChav
    Re: School yard games

    Originally posted by Moonraker View Post
    In the late 70s there was a game which many in my year group played, in which a ball is kicked around; if someone catches tge ball then he would get kicked by the students around him. I and a few others were wise not to take park in such activities. Then one day a ball was veering toward my face so I caught it. Suddenly, a large group of boys started laughing and running in my direction. I realised what I'd just done and ran. I jumped high up onto a caged fence and began climbing, but I was dragged down and kicked. Painful, but lived to tell the tale.

    This sounds similar (or seems as if it reprersents British Bull-Dog) of the 1990s I am thinking


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  • staffslad
    Re: School yard games

    We used to play Slam. All you needed was a football and a narrow wall. Kick the ball hard against the wall and the next person had to chase the ball and kick it against the wall. If you missed the wall you were out and you couldn't stop the ball, you had to hit it while it was still in motion. We played it using the wall of the old toilet block.

    Another game was with players standing in a line. Someone asks a question and says "Go" and the players run to a wall, touch it and run back to who asked the question and give the answer. If you were first and got the answer correct you became questionmaster. Can't remember what we called the game.

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  • Moonraker
    Re: School yard games

    In the late 70s there was a game which many in my year group played, in which a ball is kicked around; if someone catches tge ball then he would get kicked by the students around him. I and a few others were wise not to take park in such activities. Then one day a ball was veering toward my face so I caught it. Suddenly, a large group of boys started laughing and running in my direction. I realised what I'd just done and ran. I jumped high up onto a caged fence and began climbing, but I was dragged down and kicked. Painful, but lived to tell the tale.

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  • 80sChav
    Re: School yard games

    Originally posted by Twocky61 View Post
    Kiss chase lol
    We cvalled that Tag, but you could not Tag after being Taged/or Tag someone in a Tag or similar I recall

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  • Twocky61
    Re: School yard games

    Kiss chase lol

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  • 80sChav
    Re: School yard games

    Par Football - it was Hobscotch with "chalked in noughts and crosses" at Primary , though not at Secondary,... which was Football all the way (if any game or) generally we'd just talk more i seem to recall and r-collect


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  • Woffski
    Re: School yard games

    We used to play Poker dice and also the "nearest the wall with a 10p" game.

    all very profitable as a youngster with a tuck shop habit to maintain :-)

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  • m-tina
    Re: School yard games

    We used to do 'knives. forks, spoons, spears' not as dangerous as it sounds! When it had been chanted, everyone had to do a handstand, and the longest one up, won the game. We did all the usual oranges and lemons, skipping, two ball, Queenio, queenio who's got the ball-i-o, Crocodile crocodile and most of the others that have already been mentioned.

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  • shaun
    Re: School yard games

    we used to play PEGS basically you made goal post against a wall with wooden pegs and the aim was to knock the pegs over with a tennis ball standing from 6ft away and you where in two teams .Once you had knocked the pegs over you had to run away before the other team hit you with the tennis ball the aim was to get back to the pegs and put them up again befour all your team got hit out with the ball.Anyone else heard of that game or was it summet we just played in sheffield,KICKCAN was anouther favourite there was allways a empty can around.FIREBALL basically u stood still and let a person throw a ball at you sounds stupid lol but i have great memorys of playtime at school and the summer holidays.

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  • stevef
    Re: School yard games

    Originally posted by nogden View Post
    so you used to play football..... we were so poor we never had a ball, used to use a stone lol
    You were lucky! You had a stone, well we were so poor that we had to use some rolled up newspaper tied up with string (coz Mum wouldn't let us have a "real" football in the back garden.) She thought that was a great idea until I kicked it straight through the back window!

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  • Heather74
    Re: School yard games

    No lol, just a lot of happy memories, thanks for sharing them.

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  • Solo
    Re: School yard games

    I loved that game with the long loop of elastic - also skipping, Bulldog, Blocky 123, kiss catch , and one where you all linked up in a line and flew round the playground - whipping the one at the end virtually into the air LOL!

    But most of my games were imagination-based, we'd "pretend" we were various things, like horses, homeless people (lol), witches, animals, grown-ups(!)

    Also loved playing on my space hopper thing - it looked like the planet Saturn and you bounced up and down on it (until some horrible kid nicked it! ), and a rubber ball on a plastic line that went round your ankle and you spun/hopped over it...

    Oops sorry...does this count as a life story??

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  • sixtyten
    Re: School yard games

    Kid next door to me used to use a dolls head as a football

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