I thought I'd make this thread as I have just recalled that Pet thing like a Moose that wasa ll the rage in the late 90s amongst other things like Beades etc and linking those flowers together, like at Primary - though i am sorry their name evades me ... it may be Daisy', but i am unsure to be honest
anyway whatever your fad was - add it here, as though I know there are many (or rather was) to add to other threads would be too complex I think - so I thought "a Year by Year" one through all the decades (or as many as so that DYR encompses) would be great I thought
I hope that this ok the Heather, HG, Big Daddy etc as it being made as a new thread (as it'd be just nice to see a definitive or as definitive as possible -list I think) which would not be appropriate to add to other thread , as they/ are so m differing I think/found.
Apologizes in advance if I have made a critical mistake/error, and I look forward to any replies about all the fads you had
anyway whatever your fad was - add it here, as though I know there are many (or rather was) to add to other threads would be too complex I think - so I thought "a Year by Year" one through all the decades (or as many as so that DYR encompses) would be great I thought
I hope that this ok the Heather, HG, Big Daddy etc as it being made as a new thread (as it'd be just nice to see a definitive or as definitive as possible -list I think) which would not be appropriate to add to other thread , as they/ are so m differing I think/found.
Apologizes in advance if I have made a critical mistake/error, and I look forward to any replies about all the fads you had