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25 Years since leaving school

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  • 80sChav
    Originally posted by sixtyten View Post
    42 years since i left
    The years since I left mean nothing to me tbh and that is why I'm not saying how many as it then makes it an Event type mentioning

    I had a love/hate affair with School but would never want to make a fuss of such things and dont know people want to - more as so many hated it and want to forget it/not talk 'bout it (on the net and in real life), so why bother - though Kudos to George the O.P for being inventive with the thread as he is with so many!

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  • sixtyten
    42 years since i left

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  • Richard1978
    Originally posted by George 1978 View Post
    As I am writing this on Friday 15th March 2024, I thought that I would bump this thread up again as a "celebration" of 30 years to the day since leaving school for the last time. Freedom for social citizenship! It happened at 3.10 pm, etc...

    I recently found out that the very last teacher who I saw in a classroom before I left for good on that Tuesday afternoon had passed away last year. There have been other staff who has since passed away after I left which I suppose deserves tributes.

    My school years were no bed of roses and I still transpose the words: "school" for "prison", even referring to the teachers as "screws" and all that. But not while I actually inside the place.
    I'll be reaching my 30th anniversary of me leaving school in June, I can't remember the exact date I had my last exam but it was certainly in the month.

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  • Moonraker
    I missed my 40th anniversary last year. Oh well, just going to have to wait 9 years to celebrate the 50th.

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  • George 1978
    As I am writing this on Friday 15th March 2024, I thought that I would bump this thread up again as a "celebration" of 30 years to the day since leaving school for the last time. Freedom for social citizenship! It happened at 3.10 pm, etc...

    I recently found out that the very last teacher who I saw in a classroom before I left for good on that Tuesday afternoon had passed away last year. There have been other staff who has since passed away after I left which I suppose deserves tributes.

    My school years were no bed of roses and I still transpose the words: "school" for "prison", even referring to the teachers as "screws" and all that. But not while I actually inside the place.

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  • George 1978
    Re: 25 Years since leaving school

    I do know that from my school days, I received three Christmas cards - two from former teachers and one from a girl (now a woman) who was in my form.

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  • 80sChav
    Re: 25 Years since leaving school

    Originally posted by darren View Post
    The day i left i can still remember hardly anyone showed up as you would expect can remember what part of the school i left through even the very door i went through..

    i must say leaving school was the best day of my school life.

    I left in 1992 OR WAS IT 93.
    I think that too on reflection/in retrospect Darren mate - my day I left was'nt even "a given day", we just did our Exams and in those did you had your GCSE Results posted 9or I did) as we lived in the Country. So that was the end of it then really until I had the 6th Form offer/chance. Nothing of that Spring to Summer I left rings any Bells at all mate!


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  • Pussywillow
    Re: 25 Years since leaving school

    Originally posted by Pussywillow View Post
    It's 45 years since I left the hell-hole that was Wallingford Grammar.

    The best day of my life. June 1974.
    And you know what ? Nobody even noticed I was gone. Indeed there is a photograph of boys in Didcot House from 1973, which was at one time, hanging around on the 'net. Can't find it now, but anyway, everyone was named in the caption below, except me. I was a ?.

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  • 80sChav
    Re: 25 Years since leaving school

    Originally posted by Mulletino View Post
    I think I left in 1987, I was indifferent to leaving I think. My head always seemed foggy at the time, still does mostly.

    I was only in Year 6 (in Today's currency, or last year in Primary) then Mulletino mate. - so that makes about 5 years between our ages, but either way it's still cool recalling such memories - like I had a mate who's brother was in the 5th Year when we was in the first and an ex-next door Neightbour there too in the 5th who I re-made contact with in about 2005 (before she became an ex-next door neighbour mind) and we both still knew each other like yesterday though we'd only met an handfull of times before)!!

    I will send you that PM tonight mate I kept promising, sorry - just as had family issues and every mormning I have checked in .... I note you was on on an vening/night (in UK time) mate


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  • 80sChav
    Re: 25 Years since leaving school

    Originally posted by darren View Post
    The day i left i can still remember hardly anyone showed up as you would expect can remember what part of the school i left through even the very door i went through..

    i must say leaving school was the best day of my school life.

    I left in 1992 OR WAS IT 93.

    This confirms we must be lost twins Darren pal, as I can not even recall my last do (par exam times) and I still can't recall through that neither ever!!

    Though of course I went onto do 6th Form - for half a year, so like your great Man U Boss Fergie - I had two times when I said I was leaving lol

    In saying this though I miss school and so wish I had the chances to be more "daring" and experience it's culture more and hang out with the tough guy's etc - and they are the few things I would change mate!


    Ps mate check your In-box btw mate!

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  • darren
    Re: 25 Years since leaving school

    The day i left i can still remember hardly anyone showed up as you would expect can remember what part of the school i left through even the very door i went through..

    i must say leaving school was the best day of my school life.

    I left in 1992 OR WAS IT 93.

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  • HG
    Re: 25 Years since leaving school

    It was 30 years for me on 26th May, half day at school in the morning with a leavers assembly and then off to the pub across the road for a couple and then our leavers' ball on the night. There was of course A levels to go back and do in June. The school has been knocked down and rebuilt since but on the same site.

    Hard to believe it was 30 years ago but it does feel like a long time now.

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  • Pussywillow
    Re: 25 Years since leaving school

    It's 45 years since I left the hell-hole that was Wallingford Grammar.

    The best day of my life. June 1974.

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  • zabadak
    Re: 25 Years since leaving school

    40 years since I left (to go to Uni)...

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  • Mulletino
    Re: 25 Years since leaving school

    I think I left in 1987, I was indifferent to leaving I think. My head always seemed foggy at the time, still does mostly.

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