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First computer

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  • Re: First computer

    Originally posted by smurfie1 View Post
    we had a spectrum, I was quite young so don't remember the specs, it had a tape recorder that we put the games in and it took forever to load, with lots of coloured screens and whistling sounds. My favourite games were Manic Miner and Horace goes skiing. I loved the sound of the keyboard too.
    yes mate great games.

    i actually have them played them yesterday. on my speccy.

    i love how the games load.
    here is horace in action.


    • Re: First computer

      I had an Acorn Electron. It had a tape drive and came with a text based adventure game called 'Sphinx Adventure' A platform game called 'Boxer' And a Pacman clone called 'Snapper'

      You used to get games in magazines that were printed code, and you would have to spend hours typing them in only for them to not work.......Kids these days don't know they are born lol


      • Re: First computer

        I was silly enough to buy a vic20 (the first one sold at the Naafi, Brize Norton) : ) It was about 81/82 It also had a tapemachine, .a matching beige one. M


        • Re: First computer

          my first computer was more a word processor than a computer.......i remember it had prince of persia on it and crikey was it a slow game or what! could use floppys on it and there wasn't a disc be quite honest it was pretty useless and ended up unplugged and stashed in the cupboard until i got my first proper dial up pc


          • Re: First computer

            Amstrad CPC464 Plus, Great little system, had loads of tapes for it and if you left it long enough it would automaticaly boot into "Burnin' Rubber!"

            I remember getting it too, it was second hand off one of the other nurses at my mam's work. Me and my dad went to collect it, along with a filing cabinet that was being replaced during an office re-fit. We managed to get a 4 draw filing cabinet, 3 fruit boxes full of cassettes and the computer all in the boot and back seats of my mam's B reg Nissan Cherry!

            Didn't get a proper PC for years though. My dad used to borrow the work's laptop for computing at home, so the first PC we owned was a 300MHz Celeron clone thing with 64Mb of RAM. That was about 1997 or 1998. Still have a few bits of it too.
            If it's lasted this long, it's worth keeping!


            • Re: First computer

              Vic 20 was a good computer.
              think it was the first one i ever got.

              the cartriges where pure white.
              Originally posted by mikeymoped View Post
              I was silly enough to buy a vic20 (the first one sold at the Naafi, Brize Norton) : ) It was about 81/82 It also had a tapemachine, .a matching beige one. M


              • Re: First computer

                I know we are on about our own first computers here but did you all know that the worlds first computer is English through and through. On paper it was invented by Alan Turing (master codebreaker bletchley park) in the 1930s no less and built in the early 40s (he built three) to number crunch German codes and reveal the messages successfully. The IBM company then tried to lay claim to 'inventing' the computer much much later. The original computer can still be seen at Bletchey Park.


                • Re: First computer

                  Sinclair all the way for me.

                  Started with a ZX81 which I bought at the start of the schools summer hols from WH Smiths back in '82 and was lucky enough to get the 16K RAM Pack as well.

                  Locked myself away playing games loaded from tape and then got into coding, first from magazine listings and then just writing simple stuff. Football Manager by Kevin Toms was the game I played the most and that genre has kept me occupied for 30+ years.

                  A friend has the Commodore 64 and it was fun but I was already a planning the arrival of the Spectrum.

                  I got the Spectrum 48K for my birthday a few years later and was wow'd by the games that now showed themself in colour. Upgraded from tape to a 3.5" disc drive and that at least allowed for programs to be saved and restored reliably.

                  Just checked and found there is a ZX81 and Spectrum emulator for Android so that's summer 2012 taken care of.

                  Happy days recovered from the back of my brain - thanks for that


                  • Re: First computer

                    My first computer, that I owned, was an Amstrad CPC464 with the green screen. Revolutionary in its day for having the cassette deck built in to the keyboard itself. Love that machine. I still have it in the loft somewhere, would get it out and use it again but I haven't got the space for it.

                    My cousins had a ZX Spectrum and a mate had a Commodore 64.
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                    • Re: First computer

                      Wow its great you still have it after all these many yrs.

                      what condition is it in mate.
                      and does it still work.

                      you should try it if only to see that it works.

                      with it in the loft it could get damaged by cold and damp.

                      can you remember when you first got it mate.

                      Originally posted by the-peoples-poet View Post
                      My first computer, that I owned, was an Amstrad CPC464 with the green screen. Revolutionary in its day for having the cassette deck built in to the keyboard itself. Love that machine. I still have it in the loft somewhere, would get it out and use it again but I haven't got the space for it.

                      My cousins had a ZX Spectrum and a mate had a Commodore 64.
                      FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                      • Re: First computer

                        It was still working when I packed it away. I packed it into a box and I think I covered it in a plastic bag first. I got it for Xmas when I was about 7 or 8. I was then and still am now a pampered pooch.
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                        • Re: First computer

                          Also with it being in the loft, and with me being not too good with heights, I am not getting up into the loft to get it! I couldn't get it out on my own anyway for two reasons, 1, my **** is way to fat to fit in the loft opening now and 2, I have a medical condition in my hands, I can't do any heavy lifting or put any serious weight or pressure on them so I couldn't lift it on my own.
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                          • Re: First computer

                            I also remember a game I got for it one time, that my Nan wouldn't let me keep becasue, belss her, she thought it was rude (she never knew what I watched on telly really). It was a game where there was a castle, and a man in the castle, and he was naked (sadly you didn't see anything - well, big pixels cover a lot ) and you had to go around the castle as the man and help him look for his clothes. I thought this was hilarious! I laughed and laughed. She, nan, wasn't too keen so she took it back and that's how I ended up with two copies of Dizzy egg.
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                            • I had a cpc as well, it was my cousins old one, but mine was colour.

                              I loved the fruit machine game on it.


                              • Re: First computer

                                I loved that game too. I have many fond memories of playing that with my Grandad. You only needed to press the space bar to get it going so that was one he felt comfortable joining in with.
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