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The Ghettoblaster

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  • joybee
    Re: The Ghettoblaster

    Way back then - size definately DID matter

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  • rossobantam
    Re: The Ghettoblaster

    today's I-Pod teens must be gobsmacked when they see images like that!

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  • Heather74
    Re: The Ghettoblaster

    I bet he now wonders why his shoulder gives him jip!!

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  • soapy
    Re: The Ghettoblaster

    I had one in the mid eighties but as i lived in a relatively small village i was the only one who ever carried it around outside. My mates and me would spend many an hour in the local park listening to Queen at full blast before being chased off by stick wielding New Forest yokels.

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  • Danny
    Re: The Ghettoblaster

    Mine wasn't too big but you had to put new batteries in about every thirty minutes when played at my fav volume ------ full blast!

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  • Heather74
    started a topic The Ghettoblaster

    The Ghettoblaster

    Did you have one? How big was yours? Did you carry it everywhere with you?

    Ours(My brothers by rights) was quite a modest one, infact in comparison with some of the beasts you saw in the local park (where i was lucky enough to live) it was quite tame.
    Time was in the 80's you could not go for a walk in the park with out seeing groups of teenagers surrounding one.
    From Punks and Mods to Rockers and Teeny Boppers surely a machine owned by all???
    Last edited by Heather74; 13-03-2008, 00:50.