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Colour TV

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  • bakermuk
    Re: Colour TV

    We used to have a black and white rented set until 1981 despite the fact that everyone else I knew had a colour one ! The first thing I remember watching was snooker! It was fantastic!

    Go on, admit it, if you ever get pangs for those heady B/W days, you turn the colour down on your 50" LED 3D TV dont ya?! lol

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  • darren
    Re: Colour TV

    Originally posted by grhaffdd View Post
    I sort of remember when we got our first color telly, wasn't anything special.
    I can remember not wanting to watch a film as it was black and white..
    My nan had a black n white telly into the 1990's and when she died we had it
    in our kitchen. We only got rid of it few years, it still worked but we got a modern
    telly, which only worked properly for a few months!
    should have kept the black and white telly mate.
    modern tellys are not built to last.

    going to try to get an old black and white telly meself.

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  • grhaffdd
    Re: Colour TV

    I sort of remember when we got our first color telly, wasn't anything special.
    I can remember not wanting to watch a film as it was black and white..
    My nan had a black n white telly into the 1990's and when she died we had it
    in our kitchen. We only got rid of it few years, it still worked but we got a modern
    telly, which only worked properly for a few months!

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  • marilynd04
    Re: Colour TV

    We had one of those very little b&w tv's - surprised we didnt have to wear glasses. I think we were one of the first in the street to have a tv - we were very popular

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  • Richard1978
    Re: Colour TV

    My Dad can remember seeing 1967 Wimbledon in a TV shop window, & being surprised at how orange the Robinson's squash was due the the colour level being turned right up.

    My Mum's first memory of colour was Prince Charles's investiture in 1969.

    Sorry if I'm repeating myself from a while back!

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  • Elbmek
    Re: Colour TV

    For ages all I ever saw was the BBC2 test card in shop windows.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Colour TV

    I remember us having a colour TV around the very late 70's, I would have been 2. I remember seeing the credits at the end of Coronation street, with the roof tops and the theme tune. I can remember this memory really clearly as my sister was asleep on the carpet right in front of/below the television (tv was on the stand with wheels), and I wondered how she could sleep with the noise of the tv. I obviously didn't realise or understand at that age that she was deaf, so obviously couldn't hear it.

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  • Sly
    Re: Colour TV

    I dunno, old people can do some weird stuff. My gran detuned all the other channels out of her TV because she just wanted to watch Ideal World shopping channel. I wish I was joking.

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  • Trickyvee
    Re: Colour TV

    It did! I'm assuming this was something you could actually buy for black and white TVs and not just a random bit of transparent stuff that my nanna decided to put over the screen. I don't know to be honest.

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  • Sly
    Re: Colour TV

    How was that a good idea? I bet it just looked like you were looking through a sweetie wrapper.

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  • Trickyvee
    Re: Colour TV

    I was born in '76 and can only remember watching colour TV at home, although weirdly I can remember the day we got a colour TV for the first time (probably around 1981), so I must have watched some B & W before this!

    My nanna had a B&W TV into the mid-80's and had one of those plastic things to go over the screen to make it look 'coloured'. It was rubbish, with a stripe of green at the top, a stripe of red at the bottom and a big bit of a sort of dirty sepia orange in the middle. Totally useless!

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  • Sly
    Re: Colour TV

    My first TV was a B&W portable that had a dial to change the channel. It had a hoop aerial which needed to be altered for every channel.

    I used to play my C64 on it all the time until 1 Christmas I got a colour tv with a remote with no wires. I have to say, I didn't actually watch much tv on it, I've never been a big tv watcher. It did see thousands upon thousands of hours of games though. I used it up until 2003. Thinking about it, it is probably one of my most used presents I have ever received.

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  • darren
    Re: Colour TV

    yes i used to get the buttons jammed once in a while.
    oh for sure i remember that smell they gave off.
    but it was not a real stinky smell it was kind of nice.
    did you have one of those wooden tellys a light brown it was.
    i can picture it in my head.
    i think it had vents on the front.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Colour TV

    Glam_Racket's pic brings back memories...Lots of folk had black and white sets in the UK even after colour came along as the tv licence for a b&w set was cheaper....My Mum used to rent b&w sets much like that pic from Rediffusion from the 1970s to mid 1980s...! I remember the first time we saw colour tv was when Rediffusion gave us a COLOUR replacement when they took our b&w set for repairs when it was on the sister and I were amazed to see Sesame St and see Grover, Cookie Monster and Hairy Monster were blue!!!!! I think the colour setting had been turned up to the max by accident as we all ended up with reddish eyes and they really hurt....Mind you, there was that complaint 'colour tv gives me headaches' when it all first came to the UK and that did feel like it to us....

    When our old set came back my sister and I were dead gutted...We begged Mum and Dad to keep the colour one but it was basically 'shurrup or get a slap' lol...We finally got a colour set WITH REMOTE CONTROL (WOW!) by 1986....Seriously!

    What makes me smile about the old box sets was how they always conked out, and the engineer-or 't.v. man' would come round and it'd be an 'event' in our house watching him with his big box of stuff...seeing the innards of the back of the set and being told to stand well away lest be electrocuted! Lol...The prognosis was more often than not 'the valve being blown'...Another thing I remember was the knobs on the set. We'd watch Mum crouched and twiddling the channel buttons like she'd been told by the 't.v. man' to retune the channels...And then there was the fact that you'd get two channels working but not the third...Or as in our case, by 1982 when C4 came along and we moved into 4 channel tv, had a **** t.v. reception in our house! Sometimes we'd get two channels jammed in and would have to watch Mum figure out how to get the channel buttons pushed back watching a safe cracker at work....Mum, bless her was the 't.v. woman' in the home, it was afterall, 'her set' as she put it, Dad didn't give a toss about having a t.v. hence Mum renting it...

    And does anyone remember being told 'don't leave it on all the time!' It may overheat and blow up the valve!' Remember the smell these old sets gave off? The warmth off the back of the set? Ah, memories!

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  • darren
    Re: Colour TV

    Originally posted by stuckinthe80's View Post
    I was born in '73 and I can only remember having a colour telly. We had a rented one from the D.E.R. The DER was much more popular in our town becase of the discounts offered to the Thorn EMI factory workers. My mam and dad both worked there.
    well i was born in 75 and we still had a black and white telly till the mid eighties.
    although we did have a colour telly as well.
    the b&w was a wooden tv it was light brown in colour.

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