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Colour TV

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  • glam_racket
    Re: Colour TV

    The brand name Pye made me laugh 25 years ago.

    And it still does now.

    (I know I've too much time on my hands!)

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  • chilligrape
    Re: Colour TV

    I was born in 1970 and only remember stuff i colour. But my nana had a black and white main tele. does anyone remember Reddifusion with the dial you turned to turn the tele over and also had radio channels on it. A bit like cable but in the 70's.

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  • kazboot
    Re: Colour TV

    We didn't get our first colour tv until 1973, which was embarrassing because all my friends had one before me.

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  • stuckinthe80's
    Re: Colour TV

    I was born in '73 and I can only remember having a colour telly. We had a rented one from the D.E.R. The DER was much more popular in our town becase of the discounts offered to the Thorn EMI factory workers. My mam and dad both worked there.

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  • rossobantam
    Re: Colour TV

    Originally posted by Kiop View Post
    When I was 4 years old I was bought a b&w portable tv for Christmas that still works to this day - 36 years later
    Mu mum & dad had a 'wooden box' type Phillips colour TV for 25yrs..things were built to last back then. If you had a spare telly it tended to be a b&w portable, with the round knob for tuning it in

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  • Kiop
    Re: Colour TV

    Originally posted by ClaudineJones View Post
    We rented one that had a coin meter at the back for 50p's.
    We also had one like this with the old ten bob bits in the back, LOL.

    I never remember us having a b&w tv either, but my dad was a tv engineer at the time and they let him bring colour sets home as a perk. When I was 4 years old I was bought a b&w portable tv for Christmas that still works to this day - 36 years later

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  • Richard1978
    Re: Colour TV

    My family got a colour set before I was born so I've don't have that much viewing in black & white, in fact I can't remember knowing anyone first-hand who had a B&W set as their main TV.

    A few did have a B&W 2nd set, my gran used to have one at her caravan in North Norfolk for years. Plenty of memories of the 1984 olympics & summer holiday children's TV in B&W on that.

    My Dad first remembers seeing Wimbledon in 1967 on a TV in a shop window, & my Mum's first viewing was Prince Charles's ceremony for becoming Prince Of Wales.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Colour TV

    We rented one that had a coin meter at the back for 50p's.

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  • chrisredditch
    Re: Colour TV

    In the late 60's I remember coming out of the ABC cinema in Romford and waiting for a bus across the road. They had a colour TV in the window of an adjacent Electrical Store. I think about 5 buses went by before we could tear ourselves away from this wonderful invention! LOL

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  • yelever
    Re: Colour TV

    Ok just wanted to clear this up. Colour tv`s were around before 82 but our family didn`t get one until then. May have caused some confusion. Sorry about that and haven`t been online that much to reply. Sorry again guys.

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  • Cat Weazle
    Re: Colour TV

    Mad memories,

    We had a Pye 26" colour in a wooden cabinet. It had sliding hideaway doors and a remote that worked by clicking like a "TICK" sound.

    Radio rentals I think.

    Pong played great and so did the atari.. cool

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  • suzannewozere2
    Re: Colour TV

    Mum and Dad rented a colour one for the wedding of Charles and Diana.
    Before that my great aunts had one that was never tuned in properly so everyone had a neon aura.

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  • john
    Re: Colour TV

    I was born in 1971 and we'd had a black and white Bush TV for years, and then in the late seventies/early eighties we had my Grandma's big 26" colur tele from her, we had it for years.

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  • pedro
    Re: Colour TV

    Early 70's for my family.We had a small portable black and white when first married in 75 until we could afford to rent one(Radio Rentals anyone?)

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  • HG
    Re: Colour TV

    I was born in 71 and as far as I can remember we always had a colour tv, a big brown wooden one. I remember some programmes were broadcast in black and white, and colour shows often had BBC Colour in the end credits.

    My gran had a black and white tv well into the 70's perhaps early 80's.

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