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Colour TV

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  • #76
    Re: Colour TV

    Im sure the tv had a huge back to it.

    We still had a black and white tv even after we got our first colour telly.

    Yes i remember rediffusion well.

    You had cable free for a month i assume it had many more channels than the ones we had at that time on normal telly.

    Originally posted by marc View Post
    we must have been one of the last families in the street to have colour tv, late1984 or early 1985. I can't remember what make it was, but possibly from rediffusion. It seemed brilliant all that colour! On the plus side, being with rediffusion, we had free cable for a month or so has a trial period. There was a black box on top of the tv. We were lucky living in the south wales valleys, transmission was bad, so most houses had their tv connected via a white box on the wall. This box had letters on it, abcdefgh. A and b were radio stations. C was bbc wales, d was bbc2, e was bbc1, f was htv. The rest were spare. An external cable ran outside from this box to a central box elsewhere.
    Seeing a lot of films free, in colour, was fantastic. All i remember about the tv, was it was very heavy by todays standards. In the end, it made a crackling noise, then give up the ghost.


    • #77
      Re: Colour TV

      My dad built our first Colour TV in something like 1974 - from a magazine called Television - every week you had to do something and eventually you had a colour TV - it was great - a bit big and needed adjusting all the time so it never did get the sides and top put on it. It was replaced after we moved as it didnt settle properly, with a Philips Colour TV with an ultrasonic remote. First thing I watched on colour TV was Jesus of Nazareth, I think it was called that - I remember thinking how blue the sea looked.


      • #78
        Re: Colour TV

        Sounds like quite an advanced project to build from a kit even these days.
        The Trickster On The Roof


        • #79
          Re: Colour TV

          Originally posted by Richard1978 View Post
          Sounds like quite an advanced project to build from a kit even these days.
          Yes, - he was an electronics engineer though - at the time there used to be loads of electronics magazines with projects in them - amplifiers etc - I guess back then people had fun building stuff themselves rather than just buying things?


          • #80
            Re: Colour TV

            Clive Sinclair made kit audio equipment before moving into computers, the early examples of which were available as kits.
            The Trickster On The Roof


            • #81
              Re: Colour TV



              • #82
                Re: Colour TV



                • #83
                  Re: Colour TV

                  vintage ferguson 3703 single standard 625 lines colour tv



                  • #84
                    Re: Colour TV

                    Sony KV1320 Single Standard Colour TV

                    FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                    • #85
                      Re: Colour TV

                      Originally posted by darren View Post
                      My Aunt & Uncle used to have this model, & passed it on to me when they stopped using it.
                      The Trickster On The Roof


                      • #86
                        Re: Colour TV

                        Wow! seeing the pic of the old Ferguson 3703 19" Colour TV brought back a few memories. It was a good looking machine & one that I used to sell when I worked for the defunct Electrical retailer Civic Stores in Putney high St. London.

                        I can date the TV for definite around July 1969 as we were fascinated watching the Moon landing.

                        HMV & Ultra both produced a similar model with the model numbers 2703 & 6703 respectively. They were part of the same company.

                        My parents were Irish & very old-fashioned & didn't trust these new fangled colour tellys however, I managed to persuade them to have a home trial.

                        The TV I chose was a 20" Mitsubishi (the model number escapes me) but at the time (1973) due to some kind of trade embargo, at that time it was the largest size imported TV that could be sold in this country. It did however provide a super picture & started up very quickly.

                        When Mum & Dad saw programmes in colour like Hawaii 5-0, they were hooked and so my plan worked as dad signed up for a rental agreement promptly.

                        Everybody rented in those days as being new technology, people were afraid of repair bills. Different today, reliability is so good.

                        I can still remember the many TV High St. rental outfits now gone......Rediffusion, DER, Radio Rentals, Granada, British Relay, Vision Hire.



                        • #87
                          Re: Colour TV

                          FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                          • #88
                            Re: Colour TV

                            Originally posted by darren View Post
                            Although my parents didn't have the same model of Pye set, they did have an identical remote control to go with it, and I bet that the one in the picture would have worked the one that we had! We had ours from 1984 right until the late 1990s.
                            I've everything I need to keep me satisfied
                            There's nothing you can do to make me change my mind
                            I'm having so much fun
                            My lucky number's one
                            Ah! Oh! Ah! Oh!


                            • #89
                              I think the first time I saw colour TV was in 1969 or 1970, when I would have been 8 or 9. I remember my gran or mom took me to a relative's house as their son had a Chopper bike and I wanted to have a go on one - my parents were going to buy one for my birthday and also wanted to see if I was big enough for one. Anyway, that relative also had a colour TV and to me it seemed incredible. I can't recall exactly what I saw, it could have been Wimbledon, but after so long I can't be sure. Our first colour TV was a 22" Pye bought very late 1973, not long after Princess Anne's wedding. We watched that wedding on my mom's employer's 26" Grundig colour TV, which seemed enormous at the time to me. 65" flat TVs attached to walls were just science fiction back then, now they are nothing special. Our 22" Pye cost £220 at the time. It was not very reliable, and nearly every time we came back from our week's Summer holiday it wouldn't turn on. It was replaced by a 22" Bush in 1980. I used the old Pye in my bedroom well into the 80s. I connected it up to a Sanyo VCR, but when playing a tape the picture at the top right would start to bend inwards, gradually getting worse as the tape played.


                              • #90
                                My parents received an Invicta 18" colour TV as a wedding present in 1970, so I never knew B&W TV. However the Invicta was a piece of ****, the electron guns needed replacing when I was a toddler and I remember it getting repaired, working OK for a year or so before the brightness faded and it had to be in a dim room, brightness and contrast up to the max. In 1979 it was replaced with a Grundig that lasted well into the 90s.

                                When you think how much TVs cost back then, and how comparatively cheap they are now it is something that's difficult to explain to younger folk. I remember my parents bought a new house in 1979 and borrowed a couple of thousand more on the mortgage than they actually have a new kitchen put in the new house, update the heating (oil to gas) and buy things like a telly. I remember going into Ketts with my dad, who handed over £300 and asked "what's the biggest telly I can buy with this?"....that was serious money in 1979. The answer was a 24" Grundig. The model above even had a remote control!

                                My dad once told me that he was sceptical of colour TV, thinking B&W was fine until he saw the 1969 Wimbledon final in colour at a television shop. People stopped outside to marvel that the grass was actually green! That left him determined to get a colour set, and I guess it was on my parents' wedding list.

