Just over two weeks ago i rescued a baby pigeon my cat had caught.
The cat had taken a bite out of the bird's back between it's shoulders and it's neck.It had done the same thing a week previously to another bird which died
a day later so i wasn't expecting this one to survive,but survive it did.
The wound on it's back had healed and new feathers had covered it up to the point where i thought i would release it in a couple of days time in a different area.
No point releasing it here as there are too many cats in the area.
Anyhow,when i went to feed it this morning i found it dead in it's water container. I assume it must have fallen in and couldn't get out
There was just over a cm of water in the container. (or about half an inch for those who do not use the metric system.)
I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
The cat had taken a bite out of the bird's back between it's shoulders and it's neck.It had done the same thing a week previously to another bird which died
a day later so i wasn't expecting this one to survive,but survive it did.
The wound on it's back had healed and new feathers had covered it up to the point where i thought i would release it in a couple of days time in a different area.
No point releasing it here as there are too many cats in the area.
Anyhow,when i went to feed it this morning i found it dead in it's water container. I assume it must have fallen in and couldn't get out
There was just over a cm of water in the container. (or about half an inch for those who do not use the metric system.)
I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
