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Covid Vaccines

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  • darren
    i had my 1st and only jab of phizer back ib august only reason i got it was was told had i not got it that day i couldnot have got a first dose.

    Late i found out pharmacies were doing the first one.

    So for concerts etc i just do a lateral flow tesat at the door.
    No more covid jabs for me.

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  • Cartimand
    I'm triple vaccinated, with my last booster jab being 6 months ago.
    I guess I was hoping I'd get through the whole pandemic without copping a dose but, after coughing all night and some truly bizarre fever dreams, I thought I'd better test myself this morning.
    Bugger. It was positive.
    Off to bed with paracetamol now.

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  • beccabear67
    The boosters seem to be coming along a bit slower in Canada, so far just the very elderly and people with serious other issues getting one. We are working mostly on getting kids jabbed for the first or second time. I remember getting all sorts of shots or oral vaccines while in school in the '70s-early '80s, it never seemed to be an issue or get questioned except by an extremely small fringe or minority religion of some kind.

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  • Cartimand
    My wife and I had our booster jab yesterday.
    A little surprised to get the Moderna vaccine, when our first two jabs were AstraZeneca. The medic explained that Moderna is the preferred one for boosters, as most of the AZ stocks have now been shipped to the Third World and Pfizer is the most difficult vaccine to store and has a host of contra-indications.
    My right arm is slightly swollen around the site of the jab and was so painful that I could only sleep on my left side. Even pulling a shirt on this morning hurt like hell when it rubbed on my arm. My wife also has the sore arm and also a throbbing headache.
    Still, I reckon that's a small price to pay for another 6 months immunity.
    I suspect the pandemic will be with us for another couple of years yet.

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  • HG
    I'm due a booster but giving it a few months as I had covid following my first two jabs so got a natural booster. I'm not antivax but 3 vaccines plus a flu jab and a dose of covid in 9 months just doesn't sit right with me.

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  • tex
    Originally posted by amethyst
    Had my flu jab felt the needle but no effects,my neighbours arm came up in a lump
    Yeah, seriously considering it this year....60,000 deaths predicted.

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  • darren

    must agree mask wearing is no big deal to me.
    Not only helps with covid but also means u dont sneeze over peeps.
    In asian countries mask wearing has been the norm for decades.

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    i personally don't find mask wearing an inconvenience and i don't understand peoples objections to them knowing that they are helping to keep transmission rates down

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  • tex
    I personally don't find mask wearing an inconvenience and i don't understand peoples objections to them knowing that they are helping to keep transmission rates down

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  • tex
    My wife and i are both double jabbed but we take nothing for granted and never assume we are indestructable, the relaxation of rules whilst cases are on the increase is crazy but it is just weeks away

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  • tex
    Originally posted by amethyst

    Oh that's awful
    More unusual than awful, these are the two groups supposedly LEAST LIKELY to get the virus aren't they?

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  • tex
    My niece and her husband have both been "double jabbed" .....they both tested positive yesterday along with their 2 year old daughter

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  • darren

    which vaccines did they have mate.

    Perhaps some vaccines have different side effects

    glad everyone is ok.
    Hows u.

    Originally posted by amethyst View Post
    my cousin rang me this morning to say both of them had the vaccine on tuesday both are 72 by the way and both had aching arms yesterday.the rest of people family members friends neighbours have all been fine no you know anyone that have had reactions to vaccine?

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  • Cartimand
    It was the Oxford/Astrazeneca one. That seems to be the only vaccine on offer here dahn sarf. The only people I know who have had the Pfizer jab are family living in France.

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  • Cartimand
    Originally posted by amethyst

    I didn't have a sore arm on the second jab
    it actually felt a bit worse than my first jab. This time, my arm became sort of weary after around 4 hours and then felt like it was burning for a further hour or two. It made it quite uncomfortable to do any typing, so I explained to my work colleagues that I would be finishing a bit early yesterday. Couple of paracetamol helped and, after an early night, I woke up this morning feeling fine.

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  • Cartimand
    Just got home from having my 2nd vaccine. Expect the achy arm to start in a couple of hours!

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