Re: Your very petty pet hates
Too many to list all but one that's particularly annoying me at the moment...
People who start Facebook campaigns to 'get some random old song to number one' by encouraging people to download it all in the same week. It worked ONCE. Get that? ONE OCCASION! Here's a google search - showing all the desperate, pathetic 'campaigns' that couldn't even get their chosen single inside the Top 200. It may seem a minor issue, but I am sick, repeat SICK, of Facebook 'friends' sending me such campaigns every bloomin week
Too many to list all but one that's particularly annoying me at the moment...
People who start Facebook campaigns to 'get some random old song to number one' by encouraging people to download it all in the same week. It worked ONCE. Get that? ONE OCCASION! Here's a google search - showing all the desperate, pathetic 'campaigns' that couldn't even get their chosen single inside the Top 200. It may seem a minor issue, but I am sick, repeat SICK, of Facebook 'friends' sending me such campaigns every bloomin week
