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Your very petty pet hates

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  • #31
    Re: Your very petty pet hates

    Too many to list all but one that's particularly annoying me at the moment...

    People who start Facebook campaigns to 'get some random old song to number one' by encouraging people to download it all in the same week. It worked ONCE. Get that? ONE OCCASION! Here's a google search - showing all the desperate, pathetic 'campaigns' that couldn't even get their chosen single inside the Top 200. It may seem a minor issue, but I am sick, repeat SICK, of Facebook 'friends' sending me such campaigns every bloomin week
    Last edited by stockportyears; 10-12-2010, 23:12.


    • #32
      Re: Your very petty pet hates

      Originally posted by Richard1978 View Post
      The worst driving I've seen recently was someone driving in fog in a black car without any lights on.
      you are kidding me.
      thats sher madness.


      • #33
        Re: Your very petty pet hates

        Originally posted by Jingbang View Post
        Talking of Supermarkets i really hate the self service tills, when your Qing at a normal till you get members of staff saying "the self services tills are open" so what i dont want to use them, theyre only there to save paying people to work on the tills.
        tell me about it, I snapped the last time a member of staff at Tesco's " TOLD / ORDERED " me to go up to the self service Till :O
        I'm a chilled relaxed kind of person, but that day I just flipped and Ripped Her to shred's >

        everytime i go to the bank they say " oh, can I have a word? you have a lot of money in your account
        we could put it in a savings account!! WTF ?? IF I wanted it in a savings account, I'll put it there !!
        at one point it got so bad, That I demanded to see the manager and threatened to move banks !!
        funnily enough, it stopped for a while
        Basically falls into the same bracket as " cold Callers " IF I want it I'll do something about it myself !!!
        doesn't happen now since I blew it all on a new house

        cars tailgating, used to speed up, now I just slow down !! i.e. 60mph zone down to 20mph if need be
        just till the F$%^&r overtakes

        noisey eating / breathing

        people with no manner's ( it doesn't cost anything )

        social networking, what a waste of time......sadly i do have a facebook account tho..sigh

        Strong Glaswegian accent's / geordie's / scouser's

        But people with bad Grammar and spelling don't really bother me tho....

        at the end of the day "no one's perfect" LOL
        Last edited by culnara; 11-12-2010, 09:48.


        • #34
          Re: Your very petty pet hates

          Originally posted by Jingbang View Post
          People (usually jumped up obnoxious students) who when asking for something in a shop who say "can i get" instead of "can i have"
          this and the way like some like younger people like speak n stuff, especially like overuse of like the word like n stuff, innit.

          Tottenham Hotspur (and no, i'm not an Arsenal fan).

          ITV. They now have 4 channels but feel the need to repeat the same show on the same channel within a couple of hours of it's first airing (coronation street for example). Now I could understand them doing this in the bygone years of 3 channels when there were no video/dvd/hard drive recorders/online players but is it really necessary now?

          Middle lane hoggers on the motorway (and yes wife, that includes you).

          Bruce Forsyth. (please do the decent thing and retire)

          Selective understanding of the English language and those of you who have regular dealings with foreign nationals will know what I mean.
          Last edited by branny; 11-12-2010, 11:34.


          • #35
            Re: Your very petty pet hates

            Just watching a Barney dvd with my daughter and they are singing "Ring around the rosey, a pocket full of posey, ashes ashes we all fall down". That's annoying.
            "GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER"


            • #36
              Re: Your very petty pet hates

              Its so annoying when we all know its. Ring a Ring of Roses, A pocketful of Posies, Atishoo, Atishoo, We all fall down. ha ha


              • #37
                Re: Your very petty pet hates

                Originally posted by culnara View Post

                Strong Glaswegian accent's / geordie's / scouser's
                Culnara, how could you? My bleeding heart...
                1976 Vintage


                • #38
                  Re: Your very petty pet hates

                  Originally posted by Trickyvee View Post
                  Culnara, how could you? My bleeding heart...
                  Oop's got a bit carried away

                  Geordie's OF COURSE are ALREET !!!

                  dunno what I was thinking Please accept my apologies

                  but Weegie's and Scouser's still stand !!
                  DON'T TELL HIM YOUR NAME PIKE!!


                  • #39
                    Re: Your very petty pet hates

                    Originally posted by stockportyears View Post
                    People who start Facebook campaigns to 'get some random old song to number one' by encouraging people to download it all in the same week.
                    I might buy Cage Against the Machine because the profits will be donated to a charity for suicidal men, and a tinnitus charity. Unfortunately I damaged my hearing listening to 80s and 90s music on my headphones too loudly .


                    • #40
                      Re: Your very petty pet hates

                      Originally posted by Techno View Post
                      I might buy Cage Against the Machine because the profits will be donated to a charity for suicidal men, and a tinnitus charity. Unfortunately I damaged my hearing listening to 80s and 90s music on my headphones too loudly .
                      Ah, well that's fair enough. What's getting on my nerves are the campaigns (not just at Christmas) which pick old songs and want to get them to number one for no good reason. For example, there was a campaign to get 'Stop' by the Spice Girls there, because it had broken their run of number ones in the 90s. So what? That was pop history, you can't change it. Anybody who likes 'Stop' presumably has it in some form or other, why would they waste money buying it again and deny a chart place to some up and coming artist or someone who represents the modern day? I don't think the song even got back into the Top 40 that week anyway.

                      If an old song gets back into the charts because a new generation of people hear it and like it - the Bee Gees song in the M and S ad or the Journey one from Glee, for example - fair enough, but these artificial 'campaigns' demean the charts and the people who start them are totally deluded. The RATM one was a one-off, no such campaign could repeat those circumstances, so people should stop wasting time and let the charts take their natural course.
                      Last edited by stockportyears; 12-12-2010, 18:26.


                      • #41
                        Re: Your very petty pet hates

                        Originally posted by culnara View Post
                        Oop's got a bit carried away

                        Geordie's OF COURSE are ALREET !!!

                        dunno what I was thinking Please accept my apologies

                        but Weegie's and Scouser's still stand !!
                        I like all the different accents of the British Isles, if we all talked posh like David Cameron or Ed Miliband it'd be a pretty boring place.


                        • #42
                          Re: Your very petty pet hates

                          Originally posted by branny View Post
                          Tottenham Hotspur (and no, i'm not an Arsenal fan).

                          ITV. They now have 4 channels but feel the need to repeat the same show on the same channel within a couple of hours of it's first airing (coronation street for example). Now I could understand them doing this in the bygone years of 3 channels when there were no video/dvd/hard drive recorders/online players but is it really necessary now?
                          Ha ha ha, it's a City thing with Spurs! Were you at the game where we sent them down in 77 and Peter Barnes scored that lovely goal past Jennings? I feel they've been making us pay for that ever since, starting at Wembley in 81. Whenever we seem on the brink of success, they always seem to be in the way. And they always express a futile interest in buying our good players just for troublemaking purposes. It's probs City's second biggest rivalry after the Red Sox, way bigger than Everton or Stoke or other sides that give us the needle, lol.

                          As for modern TV, what IS the point of those '+1' channels?! In this day and age, really. Also, Astra Satellite used to be full of good channels, now it's just pouting German girls on phones, wanting to rip off saddoes with 's*x chat' on 2 Euro-per-second lines, another huge swathe of really pointless TV channels.


                          • #43
                            Re: Your very petty pet hates

                            Just remembered something else that really annoys me - tabloid reporting of the X Factor. I don't watch the programme, but I don't get all up myself about other people enjoying it, and buying music from those featured. BUT I'm sick of the tabloids plastering stuff about it all over their front pages, particularly when it's the SAME stories that they trot out every year, which never turn out to be true.

                            Regular appearances are:
                            'COWELL TO QUIT X-FACTOR'. Funnily enough, he's always there when the next series starts, probably because he owns the format.

                            'SIMON AND CHERYL/SIMON AND LOUIS/CHERYL AND DANNII (delete as applicable), THIS TIME IT'S WAR!'. Is anyone taken in by this rubbish? They just sit in the bar, drinking together and laughing at how much money they make from gullible people who believe they all hate each other...

                            And as these same stories are trotted out every single year, it's at the expense of real news on the front pages. No wonder this country's in such a state.


                            • #44
                              Re: Your very petty pet hates

                              Originally posted by stockportyears View Post
                              Just remembered something else that really annoys me - tabloid reporting of the X Factor. I don't watch the programme, but I don't get all up myself about other people enjoying it, and buying music from those featured. BUT I'm sick of the tabloids plastering stuff about it all over their front pages, particularly when it's the SAME stories that they trot out every year, which never turn out to be true.

                              Regular appearances are:
                              'COWELL TO QUIT X-FACTOR'. Funnily enough, he's always there when the next series starts, probably because he owns the format.

                              'SIMON AND CHERYL/SIMON AND LOUIS/CHERYL AND DANNII (delete as applicable), THIS TIME IT'S WAR!'. Is anyone taken in by this rubbish? They just sit in the bar, drinking together and laughing at how much money they make from gullible people who believe they all hate each other...

                              And as these same stories are trotted out every single year, it's at the expense of real news on the front pages. No wonder this country's in such a state.
                              It's all b******s, and it's all done to hype up the show and maximise the viewing figures anyway. I ignore it. I've never known a TV show which is so self serving. The show is made by Cowell's production company, some of the revenue from the phone votes and downloads goes to the company, and the winner is signed to Cowell's record label. I have no interest in bumping up his bank balance. I have never phoned in to vote, I have never bought or downloaded any single from any of the artists from the show, and I don't watch it. As far as I can tell, all you get from it is bland pop drivel and insipid cover versions anyway.
                              "We're the Sweeney son, and we haven't had any dinner!"


                              • #45
                                Re: Your very petty pet hates

                                no i cannot stand it myself.
                                there is always some sort of controversy surrounding it.
                                be it that cheryl cole gamu thing for instance.
                                people being kept in who should not be.
                                an example being wagner.
                                last year it was jedward.
                                FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL

