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Your very petty pet hates

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  • #16
    Re: Your very petty pet hates

    [QUOTE=Jingbang;143980]Students in general who get on the train put there feet on the seat their bag on the other, then talk loudly about rubbish like "Oh yes last night me and Tarquin went to the uni bar and it was 10p a pint night then we got really trollied and when we got home we shared a spliff between 8 of us"

    ...usually followed up with "Oh my god is was seeew funnaaaaay"

    I always hate it when people call me hun. I used to hate 'lol'ers but I do it myself now so I can't. Lol.
    1976 Vintage


    • #17
      Re: Your very petty pet hates

      "I always hate it when people call me hun"

      Yep totally agree with you its so false and patronising, i see it a lot used by my Mrs's pretend friends on Facebook


      • #18
        Re: Your very petty pet hates

        People who seem to think I've done something (good or bad) that I've never done, & take a lot of effort to convince them overwise.

        When people try & make you guess something, even when you insist do you don't know the answer.

        People who think you can do practially anything, & get stroppy when you can't do what they want or insist that it's beyond your capabilities.
        The Trickster On The Roof


        • #19
          Re: Your very petty pet hates

          i do not like text language.
          like m8 for mate ur for your.

          people should really write correctly.
          its fair enough if you are a bad speller but doing it on purpose is not right.


          • #20
            Re: Your very petty pet hates

            Oooof mine would be a really long are a couple.

            1. I work in retail.. I hate the people who think its their right to be able to complain about the smallest thing, then when they have caused a large queue behind them while waiting to "speak to the mannger" (spelling intentionally and people do not say manager anymore...its mannger") decide to talk to the person behind them who theyve never met giving their side of the arguement yet adding yards and yards on...the person theyve suddenly recruited then says "well yeah i dont blame you". Mannger then authorises a refund or something,the loudmouth customer smugly walks off claiming a victory.

            2. Status updates or status link updates on facebook...who cares if you are making a nice carbonara for tea and no i will not put this in my profile to acknowledge child abuse exists...

            3. People who use gangsta poses in photos,girls who do that stupid duck pout in photos (here is proof)

            Click image for larger version

Name:	duckface3_thumb.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	17.7 KB
ID:	259854

            4. People who assume they can work any type of machine/tv/mobile phone etc without even attempting to read the instruction book first or ask for help.

            5. people that are too PC.

            6. Gay men that act like the stereotypical 70s gay man....calling everyone "hey girlfriend" or "you look demmm fine hun", also the fag hags that go around with these vile queens basically agreeing with it.

            7. People who do not say please or thank you...oh my god its my top hate...also the people who say "gimme" instead of "can i have" these are usually of romanian/polish descent, ive now started retorting with "Gimme 10 lambert was it?" "Yup" they say..."yup?" i say..."yup please i think you mean", they then go red and grin "please"...i just think how frigging hard is it to say please...

            8. Groups of girls that assume all blokes fancy them and they can get anything by acting like a tramp to get money off a sandwich, guys that carry those invisible barrels everywhere and carry their money in their socks who come out at 2am to tell you they could never do this job or that job while passing their tightly rolled up notes to you in their orange tipped fingers.

            9. blokes that walk around with their hands down the front of their tracksuit bottoms, or blokes that stand in the queue doing it then pass you the money with the same thankyou.

            10. People who wear things just because some celeb talking about those david beckham bands or a rosary with open shirt and flip flops or worse still a heavy metal t shirt by a band theyve never heard of.

            Im sure ill give more sooner or later.


            • #21
              Re: Your very petty pet hates

              People who don't turn their car stereos down when they leave their car in the layby outside my flat to "pop in" the shops next door.


              • #22
                Re: Your very petty pet hates

                Cold callers knocking, trying to get you to change Gas and Electric suppliers, Also those automated phone calls, that always seem to call at meal times. Trying to sell insurance or whatever.


                • #23
                  Re: Your very petty pet hates

                  Girls with one collapsed UGG boot, walking on the ankle with the sole sticking outwards at 90 degrees looking like they are dragging along a bit of road kill.

                  Boys with trousers hanging off their backside, geometric hair, pointy shoes, skinny jeans and stupid wooly smurf hats (I'm so glad I'm old ).
                  Last edited by Trickyvee; 07-12-2010, 21:00.
                  1976 Vintage


                  • #24
                    Re: Your very petty pet hates

                    Bad driving.

                    Cultural snobbery & anti-snobbey.

                    Anti-fans & fans who are continually slagging off what they claim to like.

                    'Grey Area' denyers.

                    People who insist on getting your opinion on something you no nothing about.

                    Fellow workers who treat the workplace as their own personal soapbox, even if no-one is the slightest bit interested in what they have to say.

                    Tabloid journalism & tabloid junkies.

                    People who vaguely know you & insist on greating you by shouting loudly in public or sounding their horns if driving past.

                    Unimportant phone calls when you're in the middle of something important or when the caller has been told not to ring at that time.

                    Badly written software, websites or DVD menus.

                    Areas of pop culture being compartmentialised for certain demographics.
                    The Trickster On The Roof


                    • #25
                      Re: Your very petty pet hates

                      People that say grarse, glarse parse....Arfgarnistarn.. need I go on? I take it they also ride on an '****' and not an ***!!!!! - Ha! Ha! I've just pressed return to add this to the list only to discover I'm not permitted to write the word beginning with 'A' that is another word for bottom and a word beginning with 'A' that is the name for a four legged animal that is akin to a donkey and a mule. Good job we're not discussing these animals, they'd only be a lines and lines of '*********'
                      Last edited by The Low Country; 07-12-2010, 22:43.


                      • #26
                        Re: Your very petty pet hates

                        The thing that makes my blood boil most is when I am talking to someone and they butt in with something totally irrelevant which proves they weren't even listening to me in the first place!!
                        In fact I hate ignorance of any kind.
                        I'll go and have a lie down now!
                        'Dreams come true if you want them to'


                        • #27
                          Re: Your very petty pet hates

                          Originally posted by The Low Country View Post
                          People that say grarse, glarse parse....Arfgarnistarn.. need I go on? I take it they also ride on an '****' and not an ***!!!!! - Ha! Ha! I've just pressed return to add this to the list only to discover I'm not permitted to write the word beginning with 'A' that is another word for bottom and a word beginning with 'A' that is the name for a four legged animal that is akin to a donkey and a mule. Good job we're not discussing these animals, they'd only be a lines and lines of '*********'

                          Reading my comment it sounds a little harsh. I'm not disrespecting genuine people. I have no problem with Londoners and people from the South, my issue is with the ones that seem to have a plum (as well as a bunch of grapes) in their mouths and generally think themselves a cut above.


                          • #28
                            Re: Your very petty pet hates

                            Originally posted by Herr Grunwald View Post
                            Actually 2 words
                            Oh,and people who cant add up words properly. Doh!

                            "poor is the man who's pleasures depend on the permission of another"


                            • #29
                              Re: Your very petty pet hates

                              Originally posted by Richard1978 View Post
                              Bad driving.
                              Don't get me started on that, that's a whole sub-section in itself!

                              Since when has it become the law to pull out of junctions onto main roads right in front of the bonnets of moving cars on the main road? same goes for roundabouts, and whilst I'm on the subject of roundabouts, if someone is approaching a roundabout (whatever size) with two basic exits - left or right - and two lanes leading up to the roundabout, how difficult is it to get into the correct lane and not cut up traffic doing the right thing on the roundabout - seriously, it's not Rocket Science! Then there are the people who blatantly jump red traffic lights, people who don't know what their indicators are for, and worst of all, people who still use their handheld mobile phones at the wheel.

                              ....and another thing, I hate it when people say "I was like...." instead of "I said...."

                              That'll do for now!
                              "We're the Sweeney son, and we haven't had any dinner!"


                              • #30
                                Re: Your very petty pet hates

                                The worst driving I've seen recently was someone driving in fog in a black car without any lights on.
                                The Trickster On The Roof

