Re: Your very petty pet hates
Yes, but it's artificial controversy. It isn't news, no matter how the tabs try to portray it as such. Cheryl Cole's always 'at crisis point', well I can accept that having malaria would be pretty serious, but all this guff about her supposed mental state, she does it too often, too publicly for it to be believeable. And of course, Cowell is always 'on the point of quitting', Louis is always 'on the point of getting sacked' blah blah blah, it's just so totally predictably boring.
On my other pet hate, this is the song chosen, apparently at random, by some self-appointed arbiters of the ridiculous, to artificially hype into the charts in an attempt to stop X Factor getting to Christmas number one. How pathetic, it's utter rubbish. If it were any good, it could have been a hit at any point in the last fifty years! Or even a hit when it appeared in the over-rated Family Guy 2 years ago! It's just a load of students being 'ironic', or 'random' as they say these days, really the chart compilers should come down on this sort of hyping and ban songs with unusual sales patterns from appearing in the charts, as it is no longer a reflection of what is popular and what people are listening to at the time. That would wipe the smile off smug Radio One DJs and self-important students as they'd be wasting their time.
So what if X Factor winner is Christmas number one? If loads of people like it, fine, as long as it doesn't impinge on my ability to ignore it.
Originally posted by darren
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On my other pet hate, this is the song chosen, apparently at random, by some self-appointed arbiters of the ridiculous, to artificially hype into the charts in an attempt to stop X Factor getting to Christmas number one. How pathetic, it's utter rubbish. If it were any good, it could have been a hit at any point in the last fifty years! Or even a hit when it appeared in the over-rated Family Guy 2 years ago! It's just a load of students being 'ironic', or 'random' as they say these days, really the chart compilers should come down on this sort of hyping and ban songs with unusual sales patterns from appearing in the charts, as it is no longer a reflection of what is popular and what people are listening to at the time. That would wipe the smile off smug Radio One DJs and self-important students as they'd be wasting their time.

So what if X Factor winner is Christmas number one? If loads of people like it, fine, as long as it doesn't impinge on my ability to ignore it.
