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Your very petty pet hates

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  • #46
    Re: Your very petty pet hates

    Originally posted by darren View Post
    no i cannot stand it myself.
    there is always some sort of controversy surrounding it.
    Yes, but it's artificial controversy. It isn't news, no matter how the tabs try to portray it as such. Cheryl Cole's always 'at crisis point', well I can accept that having malaria would be pretty serious, but all this guff about her supposed mental state, she does it too often, too publicly for it to be believeable. And of course, Cowell is always 'on the point of quitting', Louis is always 'on the point of getting sacked' blah blah blah, it's just so totally predictably boring.

    On my other pet hate, this is the song chosen, apparently at random, by some self-appointed arbiters of the ridiculous, to artificially hype into the charts in an attempt to stop X Factor getting to Christmas number one. How pathetic, it's utter rubbish. If it were any good, it could have been a hit at any point in the last fifty years! Or even a hit when it appeared in the over-rated Family Guy 2 years ago! It's just a load of students being 'ironic', or 'random' as they say these days, really the chart compilers should come down on this sort of hyping and ban songs with unusual sales patterns from appearing in the charts, as it is no longer a reflection of what is popular and what people are listening to at the time. That would wipe the smile off smug Radio One DJs and self-important students as they'd be wasting their time.

    So what if X Factor winner is Christmas number one? If loads of people like it, fine, as long as it doesn't impinge on my ability to ignore it.


    • #47
      Re: Your very petty pet hates

      I have never watched the X factor for all of the reasons mentioned and more. It leads me nicely onto the infuriating habit of TV companies flogging a winning formula to absolute death. How many reality talent shows have there been over the last 10 years and how many series? It's all the same old tripe over and over again. Who cares who wins and who would want to win one of these lame shows now? There's been so many winners none of them stand out any more and most will be forgotten by the next series, if not before.

      I also get irritated when people spell lose as loose.
      1976 Vintage


      • #48
        Re: Your very petty pet hates

        I've tried my best not to be tempted to reply to this thread but it's got be said my pet hate at the moment is all those new threads coming through from the main DYR website that are just pointless. Nobody is interested in them and nobody is replying to them.
        I like to go straight to "Todays posts" when I log in, to see what is happening only to find reams and reams of these threads that then seem to take up the space that I want to be looking at.
        PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop them coming through in such large numbers!!!


        • #49
          Re: Your very petty pet hates

          another thinbg that does my head in is people now adays who wear there trousers to low around there waist to the point you can see there underwear.
          it just looks lazy to me.


          • #50
            Re: Your very petty pet hates

            Whats 'grey area denyers'?

            Things that I hate:

            rude people in public,
            people who don't move when they're walking two abreast and you have to squeeze past,
            cocky sales staff in shops,
            drivers that think they own the road,
            young idiots who wear their jeans/track suit bottoms hanging off their bums,
            girls in UGG boots that don't walk properly - letting the heal rub down at an angle,
            Goths - they look stupid in their massive Judge Dredd style boots - only Dredd looks cool in them....
            idiots talking LOUDLY on their mobile phones,
            middle-aged men who think they are cool dressing like younger men,
            openly gay men who over do the campness, mincing walk etc - yes, your gay, I couldn't give a toss so don't broadcast it to the rest of England,
            idiots on forums who criticise you wrongly and start online arguements thinking they're right without even realising they are wrong,
            opening a door for someone and they barge through without by or leave or thanks,
            women who think using their looks and twisting men around their finger is good,
            women full of themselves,
            X FACTOR or other flogged to death format shows,
            Simon Cowell,
            Louie Walsh,
            Am beginning to grow sick of Top Gear - its become 'too popular' and less spontaneous, its become stupid with all the merchandise and toys,
            Anything thats cult viewing on BBC 2 that suddenly gets bumped up to 'mainstream BBC 1 and then its boring...
            Any idiot who thinks Dr Who 'should be a woman' - NO. Its stupid. Its given he's a man, male. hes 953 years old - so why all of a sudden would he become a'd signal the death of the show and the toyline and little boys would hate it....its only the feminists who 'want' it...Rubbish.
            people who don't eat their food, and have their head angled at one side as they do... or take ages to eat a meal - munching for ages each spoon or fork
            full....its food EAT IT!
            alcoholics - they are pathetic,
            binge drinkers,
            'hard men' thinking its good to abuse the Police - you don't get away with it...
   racist commenters, or the ones who insult you for no reason,
            fat people who 'blame' MacDonalds, KFC, Burger King etc for their obesity,
            women who 'can't cook' and expect to find a man who 'can' cook - s-d off! NO. If in this age of feminist equality you want it ALL, then also learn to cook - its not rocket science!
            Health & Safety Laws
            The E.U.
            Muslims droning on about Islam and wanting to force it onto the UK,
            Polish and other Eastern Europeans coming over here and acting so arrogantly,
            toyshops or toy sections in shops that sell rubbish selections,
            ebay sellers who sell stuff at overly inflated prices,
            someone not leaving their feedback for you on ebay even when you ask nicely,
            cruelty to animals,
            rude young people - plenty at Uni....

            Oh, btw, I do wear skinny jeans, but NOT hanging off my b-m. I was thinking about them yesterday as I thought, when I'm older I'll dress more suitably to my age...


            • #51
              Re: Your very petty pet hates

              Totally agree with the jeans hanging off the bum thing. Saw a lad in the supermarket the other day. About 20 and handsome for his age but totally spoiled by this great pea green-clad backside hanging out for all to see. Perhaps I would appreciate such things if I was 20!

              Even worse, I saw a bloke who was my age if he was a day shlepping along with two kids and he was also a victim of this look. He's old enough to know better!
              1976 Vintage


              • #52
                Re: Your very petty pet hates

                I remember loose topped trousers were in fashion in the early 1990s, though mosty worn by rappers & the odd builder.
                The Trickster On The Roof


                • #53
                  Re: Your very petty pet hates

                  -- Skateboarders
                  -- People (usually women) who pay for small purchases of less than £10 with a check -- I'm always getting stuck behind them in line.
                  -- Joggers and bicyclists who on one hand will follow the rules of the road when driving yet don't seem to know left from right when jogging/cycling
                  -- Oldies stations that play James Brown's "I Feel Good" or "Dobie Gray's "Drift Away" every ten minutes. Then during the holiday season all you hear is "Jingle Bell Rock" and "Feliz Navidad."
                  -- Reality Shows
                  -- Tracksuits, hoodies, yoga pants, Uggs, Baseball caps, and knitted beanie caps. (My own headgear of choice is a 1940s/1950s vintage fedora hat which I wear quite often)
                  -- Tattoos (especially on women)
                  -- New York/New Jersey accents
                  -- Sales staff who constantly pester you when you're just looking but are always on their break when you want to buy something.
                  -- Corollary: Sales staff having their cigarette break in front of instead of behind the shop.
                  -- People who have no real hobbies or interests
                  -- Thick foreign accents that even make English sound like a foreign language. I was once asked by a Latin American immigrant with a heavy accent where the airport was, for some reason (and I kid you not!) it came out sounding like he was asking if I knew German!
                  -- Someone when relating some some terrible or tragic experience ends their narrative with "I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy."
                  -- People who stop me to ask for the time (ever heard of a watch???)
                  -- Kids who run around yelling and screaming in restaurants and the oblivious parents who won't keep their little brats under control
                  -- Dull mediocrity
                  -- The fact that most people can't or won't even hammer a nail nowadays.
                  -- Campaigners in front of shops who want you to sign their petitions -- I usually claim to be a non citizen (from Canada) who can't vote!
                  -- Corny humour
                  -- Women who wear sunglasses in all weather


                  • #54
                    Re: Your very petty pet hates

                    * People who don't like anything from the 1970's.
                    * Trendy blokes who get their heads shaved, then wear daft hats because their heads are cold.
                    * People with false teeth who move, rotate and clack them together inside their mouths after they've eaten something.


                    • #55
                      Re: Your very petty pet hates

                      Whats 'corollary'?


                      • #56
                        Re: Your very petty pet hates

                        People who laugh at adverts in the cinema. You don't laugh when it's on the TV, so why start guffawing like it's the most hilarious thing you've ever seen when it's on the big screen?
                        1976 Vintage


                        • #57
                          Re: Your very petty pet hates

                          I also hate 'Facebook' - the so called importance of having online friends...what a load of b----cks! I deleted mine! I also don't like ITV in general, they are rubbish now...I hate adverts on the whole now, so anodyne, so rubbish, so uncreative and up their own bottys!

                          Then theres modern cars - so samey...I was mulling over the end of the British Car industry - no more Triumph, Rover, Rootes, all done away with by British Leyland and strikes, as well as the Japanese car market flooding the UK way back they've only themselves to blame really....

                          Little Britain, Matt Lucas, David Wallams, Gavin & Stacey, Pramface - hated the main characters the guy really needs a slap, Russell Howard - hes not funny. Hes just sarcastic and its annoying how he ONLY stares at the camera rather than glancing around the audience like other 'comediennes' usually do...

                          Britains Got Talent, Made in Chelsea, TOWIE, I hate that redheaded dyed bimbo Amy Childs going on about 'vajazzling' YUCK....I also got sick of all the self-righteous broadcasting about The RMS Titanic....let the dead lie peacefully...

                          TESCO - their exponential corporate greed disgusted me, very glad they've hit rocks now...

                          Food brands being naffer than own brands, i.e. is it just me or are Flakes even smaller now???


                          • #58
                            Re: Your very petty pet hates

                            I hope I won't duplicate the post I did a while back:

                            Otherwise normal people who have a totally crack-pot theory about something & wonder why anyone should think differently.

                            People who seem to hate anyone doing better or worse than them in life.

                            Drinking bottled water at home in a country where tap water is safe to drink.

                            A person in a group of friends you in who always seems act the fool when out on the town. You can't do anything about them because they are best friends with one of the group leaders.

                            People who thinks changing all their furniture every few years is actually impressing someone.

                            Anyone who thinks any job in the public eye is just a 9-5 affair.

                            Anyone who doesn't understand the concept of a disinsentive.

                            Being unable to "think outside the box".
                            The Trickster On The Roof


                            • #59
                              Re: Your very petty pet hates

                              Yes I'm getting tired of Facebook. I'm still on it but did a big 'friends' cull last week. Realised I only really want to keep in touch with people I actually see in real life on a regular basis. After a few years some need to get the chop! I'm thinking of coming off it all together though.

                              I don't get Twitter at all. Had a look at it once but didn't know what the heck was going on and never went back.
                              1976 Vintage


                              • #60
                                Re: Your very petty pet hates

                                People who react to any odd bit of news as if nothing like it has happened before.

                                Established fans of some areas of pop culture who treat new fans with sneering contempt.

                                I only use Facebook to keep in touch with friends & family, I used join the groups but got a bit bored with them, & after a change it was wan't so easy to used them.
                                Last edited by Richard1978; 20-04-2012, 20:33.
                                The Trickster On The Roof

