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Australia or USA?

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  • HG
    I've been to the US several times now and have no desire to return, I'd like to visit Australia but I think that will have to wait for my retirement all being well.

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  • Alden
    I don't speak kangaroo.

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  • beccabear67
    Well, the first time I ever got to 'meet' a wallaby in person it was at a U.S. zoo, so I have to give points for that, but truly I'd love to be able to take a boat down under and see the wallabies there in larger numbers. I think they're the cutest things and had a toy stuffie one that was special to me for years as a kid, my wallababy. I have relatives from Holland who did the visit to Victoria province to visit and stay with some of my uncle's relatives (but they wouldn't be mine except through him), and they brought me a couple of wall hangings, one with 'roos, and also a letter opener (I used to write letters) with a 'roo as the handle which i still have if I don't really use much now. Also I used to watch Home And Away for a few years and like to watch surfing.

    If I hadn't already been all over the U.S. west coast, far north and farthest south, I might feel differently, but Australia for sure! Don't expect me to develop a taste for vegemite though.

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  • melvin13K
    Two different cultures, though both having English as their native language
    Which one would you prefer to spend a holiday/vacation?

    For me it would be Australia
    I would also prefer Australia, of course. For me, it's important to live in the sunny climate conditions.

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  • tex
    Re: Australia or USA?

    My daughter is honeymooning in Oz at the moment, she is having a ball (no jokes please)

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  • amethyst
    Re: Australia or USA?

    America Arizona route 66 baby

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: Australia or USA?

    Being Australian and having seen much of my homeland America is now well and truly top of our bucket list.

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  • Twocky61
    Re: Australia or USA?

    Sonny Hammond (IIRC) his name, played the kid

    When Sonny moved onto other things, Skippy & Joey were shelved, until only recently to see the light of day
    Last edited by Twocky61; 22-01-2018, 09:51. Reason: Context

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  • beccabear67
    Re: Australia or USA?

    As a kid I used to fantasize about both Skippy, and Flipper, which was set in Florida. I've been to San Francisco, lived in Seattle and Alaska, but I'd like to see New York City most I guess because of the history.

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  • Danniella
    Re: Australia or USA?

    Originally posted by Twocky61 View Post
    I'd love to know if Skippy is still alive lol

    He would say to the kid "Click click click click"

    The kid would say "What Skippy? There's a kid down the well?"

    Translation of Skippy's language?

    "Oi give me some leaves I'm hungry" lol
    Haha! Yeah we all love Skippy! I had a custom-made kangaroo made when i was a child, complete with Joey, it had light brown fair, mums friend was a sewing machinest and she made them one Christmas.

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  • Twocky61
    Re: Australia or USA?

    I'd love to know if Skippy is still alive lol

    He would say to the kid "Click click click click"

    The kid would say "What Skippy? There's a kid down the well?"

    Translation of Skippy's language?

    "Oi give me some leaves I'm hungry" lol

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  • Danniella
    Re: Australia or USA?

    Australia as my friend lives there!

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  • zabadak
    Re: Australia or USA?

    Originally posted by amethyst View Post
    New Zealand would be appealing but its longer and you would need a few stops to reduce the agony of long haul flights
    One short stop at LAX for me back in '94!

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  • Richard1978
    Re: Australia or USA?

    Originally posted by Mulletino View Post
    When I was living in the UK I went to Florida a few times in the 90s on holiday and also again to play in the Paintball World Cup, so I have great memories of the place and would love to take my kids there to Disney when they're older.
    I've always thought of it as a great place to live but I wouldn't want to live there.

    I live in Australia now and love it, such a great place to live.
    I've been to the USA 3 times & enjoyed myself but I'm not sure I want to live there, I've not been to Australia yet but it sounds interesting enough to be worth a visit.

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  • stud1al
    Re: Australia or USA?

    Originally posted by Mulletino View Post
    When I was living in the UK I went to Florida a few times in the 90s on holiday and also again to play in the Paintball World Cup, so I have great memories of the place and would love to take my kids there to Disney when they're older.
    I've always thought of it as a great place to live but I wouldn't want to live there.

    I live in Australia now and love it, such a great place to live.

    And i never would have had the horses ,donkey etc if i hadn't come here so thankful for that.Sorry if i upset any aussies.Didn't mean to.

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